







Special Town Board Meeting, Thursday, October 24, 2024, @ 3:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Board discussion and decision on hiring a part-time employee for the Town of Emmet.

4.        Review Rural Mutual Insurance policy changes.

5.        Plans for fuel tanks enclosures.

6.        Public comment.

7.        Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 8, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of September 10, 2024.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Donna Kaiser, Mosinee School District

8.        Rural Mutual Insurance – Eugene Smith

9.        Finalize budget and levy for budget hearing and special Town meeting.

10.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

11.      Set date for budget hearing and special Town meeting – tentatively November 12, 2024.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Next Town Board Meeting – Tentatively Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

14.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Ground water discussion hosted by Marathon County CPZ, Town of Mosinee Town Hall - Tuesday, October 22, 2024.


Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association meeting – Wednesday, October 30, 2024, Town of Day.


November 5, 2024 – Election – Polls open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.





Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



September 11, 2024


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, and Steve Stankowski.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the printed minutes of the August 15, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report.  The main points of his report were the August settlement received from Marathon County and the bill for the 3.5 loads of calcium chloride from Kafka Dust Busters.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18734 through 18749, wages, and payments made electronically.  This motion also includes the payment to Wisconsin Public Service upon receipt.  Motion carried. 

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         Three building permits were issued:  Joe Kijak – new house and attached garage, Alan Deiler – pond, and Kyle Weiks – new shed.

·         The allowable levy before any debt service additions is $115,197.00. 

·         Garbage charge for 2025 will increase to $21.41 per household per month. 

·         There will be a public hearing on Marathon County’s comprehensive plan and farmland preservation plan update on September 17, 2024.

The Chairman signed the DOT road map as there were no changes.  The Clerk will mail this form to the DOT.

Culvert projects were discussed.  The Fairview Road culvert was replaced on September 9.  The Clerk will forward the paperwork to Marathon County Highway Department when all the bills for the project are received.  The culvert project on West Fairview Road will be scheduled after a visual inspection by the DNR.  Depending upon when the inspection occurs will determine when this project will be completed.  Two smaller culverts on west Sugar Bush Road will be replaced.  The area on Emmet Road (where the blacktop is eroded) will be dug up and replaced with road base.

The Board briefly discussed the proposed 2025 budget.  Major projects for the future include fixing the entrance to the Halder Community Hall, road base/gravel on Schuette Road, road base on Pelican Bay Drive, construction of a salt/sand shed, connecting North & South Bayside Drive, relocation of the access road in the Bayside subdivision, and logging of dead trees on Town property adjacent to the ballpark.

The Clerk will have a preliminary budget draft for the October meeting.

The Chairman signed an agreement with the Town of Bergen regarding snowplowing and grading of Moon Road.  This agreement was prepared by the Town of Bergen Chairman and will be forwarded to him for his signature.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to advertise the older Town brush cutter on Marketplace.  Asking price is $8,500.00.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to set the date for the next Town Board meeting tentatively for October 8, 2024, at 7:00 pm.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  7:54 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk









Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of August 15, 2024.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Review and sign DOT road map.

8.        Update on 2024 road projects.

9.        Board discussion for 2025 projects.

10.      2025 budget and levy proposals.

11.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Next Town Board Meeting – Tentatively Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

14.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Wisconsin Towns Association Fall Workshop – Monday, September 16, 2024 in Stevens Point.


Marathon County Western Towns Association Quarterly Meeting, Town of Day – October 30, 2024.




Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



August 15, 2024


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Frank Feehrer, Jamie Cheyka-Maguire, and Steve Stankowski.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the July 9, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report.  The July payment of the shared revenue was received.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18713 through 18733, wages, and payments made electronically.  This motion also includes the payment to Kafka Dust Busters for road binder and to Chairman Maguire for labor and mileage.  Motion carried. 

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         Three building permits were issued:  Korey Boehm – house addition, Ed Hrdina – new house and attached garage, Christopher Guldan – new siding and windows and deck improvements.

·         There were 248 votes cast at the August primary. 

·         The preliminary population estimate for the Town of Emmet for 2024 is 903.

·         The equalized value of the Town is $119,780,800.

·         Net new construction for the Town is 1.05%.

·         Delmore Consulting has finished the 6/20 culvert inventory for the Town – 15 culverts.

·         The DNR has issued a permit for the Fairview Road culvert replacement.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to authorize the Clerk to send registration for the Wisconsin Towns Association fall workshops.  Motion carried.

Three loads of dust control have been applied.  There is an additional partial load ordered to be applied to the residences that were not covered by the initial application.

The graveling of Town roads has been completed for this year.  If there are any smaller projects, the Town employee will take care of it.

The DNR permit has been received for the culvert replacement on east Fairview Road.  The Board will hire Ben Cihlar to do the culvert replacement.  The culvert will be purchased from Central Culvert & Supply.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Discussion on labor performed by Town Board members.

·         Concerns of residents of parking issues during major events in Halder.

·         For the 2025 softball season and other special events in Halder, there will be designated parking areas and non-parking areas outlined before the start of the season.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to set the date for the next Town Board meeting tentatively for September 10, 2024.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:36 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Telephone                                                                                           210901 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                   Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455





Town Board Meeting, Thursday, August 15, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of July 9, 2024.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Registration for Town Association fall workshops.

8.        Update on graveling and dust control.  Possible additional graveling for 2024.

9.        Hire contractor for Fairview Road culvert replacement.

10.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

11.      Public comments.

12.      Next Town Board Meeting – Tentatively Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

13.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



July 9, 2024


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Greg and Patricia Kaiser, Frank Feehrer, Steve Stankowski and Ben Nechuta.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Lisa B aur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the June 11, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report.  Major bills included payments to Worden Enterprises for the road gravel.  The quarterly GTA money was received.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18697 through 18712, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to send the Michlig family a memorial in memory of Bryan Michlig for his many years of service to the Town of Emmet.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to confirm the Town policy that Town employees do not need to be Town of Emmet residents.  The only exception to this is the position of Chief Inspector for elections.  Motion carried.

Greg and Patricia Kaiser were present at the meeting to discuss the MFL violation assessment received from the Town.  Kaiser explained the delays in receiving communications from the DNR.  He also stated that he has taken the necessary steps to satisfy the DNR requirements for selective cutting.  After Board discussion, motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to rescind the invoice payment that was sent to the Kaisers.  Motion carried.

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         Three building permits were issued – Joe Kijak – new shed, Duane Boehm – house addition, Mike Maguire – new residence and attached garage.

·         The Clerk received communication from Delmore for culvert inventory.  They expect to be in Marathon County in July or early August.  The Town has received the insurance certificate.

·         Town Association Joint meeting will be Thursday, July 25, 2024 at Memories Ballroom.

·         Early in-person voting will begin on July 29, 2024, by appointment only.

·         Municipalities have the option to use drop boxes for the election.  The Town of Emmet will not be using drop boxes.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         As of the meeting date, no applications have been received for the part-time position. 

·         Chairman Maguire will contact John Zogata to assist with grading.

·         Due to the Halder tractor pull, there will be limited parking on Halder Drive in front of residences.

·         There were no quotes for the possible sale for the Town tractor. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Maguire to approve fireworks permit for the Halder Community Club.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to go into closed session.  All Ayes.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to return to open session.  All Ayes.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve items discussed in open session, which included a pay raise for the full-time Town employee and additional vacation days.  The next employee evaluation will be in one year.  Motion carried.

Due to the election in August 2024, the meeting date will be changed.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the meeting date for August 15, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:44 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 9, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website



Amended Agenda


1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of June 11 and June 27, 2024 meetings.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Update on election changes and procedures.

8.        Memorial for Bryan Michlig.

9.        Greg Kaiser.

10.      Board action on residency requirements for Town employees.

11.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

a.    Roads and dust control.

b.    Part-time employee hiring.

c.     Other topics.

12.      Fireworks permit for Halder Community Club.

13.      Public comments.

14.      Motion to go into closed session pursuant to Statute 19.85.

15.      Return to open session.

16.      Next Town Board Meeting – Change date due to election.

17.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 9, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of June 11 and June 27, 2024 meetings.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Update on election changes and procedures.

8.        Memorial for Bryan Michlig.

9.        Greg Kaiser.

10.      Board action on residency requirements for Town employees.

11.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

a.    Roads and dust control.

b.    Part-time employee hiring.

c.     Other topics.

12.      Fireworks permit for Halder Community Club.

13.      Public comments.

14.      Next Town Board Meeting – Change date due to election.

15.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



June 11, 2024


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, Ben Nechuta, Bryan Michlig, and Randy Worden.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Lisa Baur to approve the printed minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report.  Major bills included a payment for the leased tractor.  The ATC payment was also received.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18679 through 18696, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         Two building permits were issued – Joshua Slack – new shed, and Mark Loos – covered deck.

·         The Clerk has not yet filed the SL305 form, one chief has not submitted his SL307.

·         Stratford Fire Department was paid for the garage fire; the landowner was sent the bill.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve a beer permit for the Seubert/Ortiz fundraiser benefit.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve beer and liquor licenses for Rock Ridge Orchard and Safari Bar.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion, motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to put the ATC payment in the general fund, so as to utilize the best interest rate.  Motion carried.

Road graveling has begun.  The following roads will be graveled:  Fairview Road – two miles, Still Hill Road – two miles, Cardinal Lanes – two miles, Holstein Road – two miles.  Depending upon scheduling, some shorter and dead-end roads will also be graveled.  The Chairman will concur with the Town of Cleveland Chairman regarding Schuette Road.

Dust control will be applied to all the newly graveled roads and in front of residences.  Dust control has been ordered and will be delivered depending upon the weather.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Halder Community Hall repairs were discussed.  Several contractors have been contacted.  At this time, however, no work has been scheduled due to excessive workload of contractors.

·         The Board reaffirmed the decision to send a landowner an invoice for MFL violation.

Public Comments:

·         Discussion on crushed hard rock on certain roads.  No action taken.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to set the time and date for the July meeting on July 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:08 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town of Emmet Employee Application Notice


The Town of Emmet, Marathon County, is seeking a qualified individual(s) for part-time employment.  Primary duties include equipment operation for grading roads, mowing ditches, and brush cutting.  The applicant must be able to respond to situations which would include after hours snowplowing and other weather-related emergencies.


Applicant will be expected to do general shop-related tasks, such as routine equipment maintenance and minor repairs.


Starting pay will be based on an applicant’s qualifications.  After a 90-day probationary period, the Town Board will conduct an evaluation of work performance.  The employee will then be required to obtain a CDL license.


Job applications are available from the Town Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald, 210901 County Road S, Mosinee, WI.  Phone # is (715) 693-2847.  Email address:  [email protected].


Please indicate on your application if you would be able to work all 12 months during the year, or seasonal (summertime work or winter work).


Depending on applications received, the Board will consider part-time seasonal employees.  The Town Board will conduct interviews with the applicants on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, before the scheduled monthly town board meeting.  If no applications are received by that date, interviews will be scheduled upon receipt of applications.  Hired individual(s) can expect to start work immediately.  On-the-job training will be provided.  Other job-related protocols will be covered during the interview process.


The Town of Emmet is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to maintaining town roads and bridges to ensure the safety of our residents.


Any questions can be directed to Chairman, Meldon Maguire at (715) 297-2253.






Special Town Board Meeting, Thursday, June 27, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Board discussion on plans to hire an employee for the Town of Emmet for equipment operation and other assigned duties.

4.        Other topics and public comments.

5.        Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of May 14, 2024 meeting.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Approval of beer permit for Ortiz Fundraiser Benefit.

8.        Approve liquor licenses for Rock Ridge Orchard and Safari Bar.

9.        Budget designation for ATC payment.

10.      Graveling and dust control schedule.

11.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

a.    Community Hall repair schedule.

b.    DNR report on culverts replacement.

c.     Other topics.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Next Town Board Meeting – July 9, 2024.

14.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





May 14, 2024


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Steve Stankowski and Frank Feehrer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the April 9, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report.  Major bills were to Gray’s Incorporated for carbide tips and grader blades, and assessor salary for James Kurtzweil.  The Town received the lottery credit from Marathon County.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18650 through 18678, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         Two building permits were issued – Tamara King – house addition and Bob Hytry – new shed.

·         The recycling report was completed and 85.89 tons of recyclables were collected in 2023.

·         The personal property report (form 551) was completed.

·         The chiefs of the fire departments that serve the Town of Emmet will need to complete Form SL307 and forward to the Clerk.  The Clerk will then file Form SL305 with the DOR before July 1, 2024.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Maguire to approve beer permits for the Halder Community Club for the 2024 softball season.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion, motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve the leasing agreement with Cherokee Garage for tractor lease for one year at a cost of $2,000 annually.  Motion carried.  The Chairman will sign the necessary paperwork.

After Board discussion, motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to authorize the sale of the old brush cutter.  Motion carried.  This will be advertised on Marketplace and other media.

Road graveling for 2024 was discussed.  The road employees and the Board will decide on which roads will be graveled.  The DNR, as of yet, has not inspected the two culverts on Fairview Road, which are scheduled to be replaced this year.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Board discussed the fire contracts with the three fire departments that serve the Town of Emmet.  Any future contracts the Town will require that departments have mutual aid agreements.

·         Board discussion on repairing the front entrance to the Town Hall.  A firm plan will be available for the next Board meeting.

Public Comments:

·         Comments were made regarding excess speed on certain Town roads and tearing up graveled intersections.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the time and date for the June meeting on June 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:18 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of April 9, 2024 meeting.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

7.        Approval of beer permits for Halder Community Club for 2024 softball season.

8.        Discussion and possible action on equipment leasing.

9.        Discussion and possible action on selling brush cutter.

10.      Schedule for 2024 graveling and culvert replacement.

11.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

12.      Other topics.

13.      Public comments.

14.      Next Town Board Meeting – June 11, 2024.

15.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



April 9, 2024


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Ben Nechuta, Gary Seubert, Charles Glenn, John Zogata, Steve Stankowski, Dave Wagener, Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, Jamie Cheyka-Maguire, Presley Cheyka-Maguire, and Kali Klimek.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Gary Seubert, 136261 County Road P, Marathon, outlined to the Board the circumstances surrounding the grass fire that occurred on March 3, 2024.  He had concerns about response time from the Mosinee Fire Department, as that is their coverage area.  The Edgar and Marathon Fire Departments responded first and controlled the fire. 

In the absence of Treasurer Maguire, the Clerk presented the financial report for April 2024.  Major bills for the month included the yearly tanker assessment from Edgar and the fire bill for the fire on March 3, 2024.  The Town also received the quarterly transportation aid.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Granite Bids received:

Kafka Road Materials



          Decomposed Granite

$6.70 delivered

$4.35 picked up

          Fill Material

$6.13 delivered

$2.75 picked up

          Hard Rock Breaker

$10.70 delivered

$8.00 picked up

          Decomposed Screen Breaker

$10.55 delivered

$7.85 picked up

Red Rock



          Decomposed Granite

$8.50 delivered

$5.75 picked up

          Breaker Rock

$11.98 delivered

$10.00 picked up

Worden Enterprises



          Decomposed Granite

$6.31 delivered

$4.25 picked up

          Fill Material

$5.60 delivered

$2.95 picked up

          Hard Rock Breaker

$10.52 delivered

$8.38 picked up

          Decomposed Screen Breaker

$7.38 delivered

$5.24 picked up

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to accept the bid of Worden Enterprises for all categories, and secondary bid of Kafka Road Materials.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to accept the bid of $1.43 per gallon from Kafka Dustbusters for dust control.  Motion carried.  Also part of this motion is the stipulation for a delivery date of the first week of June 2024.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18623 through 18649, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.  The treasurer will make the electronic payments upon his return.

The Clerk explained a communication received from Peoples State Bank regarding changes in the interest rates on the checking and savings accounts.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to authorize Treasurer Maguire to make the necessary changes in the two accounts.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         One building permit was issued – Dustin Murry, shed.

·         In the April 2, 2024 election, 234 votes were cast in the Town of Emmet.

·         Open book will be April 15, 2024.  The Board of Review is scheduled for April 22, 2024.

·         The Annual meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2024.. 

·         Western Towns Association meeting is April 25, 2024.  The Edgar Tanker Association meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the fire bill from the Edgar Fire Department for the March 3, 2024 grass fire.  Motion carried.  The Clerk will forward this bill to the landowner; and because this is a grass fire, the landowner will be responsible for 100% of the bill.  Fire Chief Dave Wagener, from the Edgar Fire Department, attended the meeting and answered numerous questions.  At the present time, a mutual aid agreement between Mosinee Fire District and Edgar Fire Department is not in effect.  The Chief explained he will be working to get a mutual aid agreement signed.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Board discussed the possibility of leasing a tractor for the yearly ditch cutting and reclaiming.  No decision was made, however, the Chairman will check to see if a lease tractor is available for this year.

·         A motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to send a Town of Emmet landowner an invoice for violation of MFL laws.  Motion carried.  The DNR has attempted to contact this individual to correct the violations, however, there has been no response.  The DNR has informed the Town they have the authority to levy a fine for $250 per violation.  In this case, there are two violations.

·         Annual meeting items were discussed, which included food and refreshments.

Public Comments:

·         John Zogata, independent grader operator, was asked to explain to the Board the procedure for hard rock substance, which is obtained from the Cisler Pit.  He left a price quote for the product, however, no Board action was taken.  In the future, if the Board decides to use some of this material, it will have to be bid out.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the time and date for the May meeting on May 14, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:01 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Notice of the Board of Review

For the

Town of Emmet, Marathon County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Town of Emmet of Marathon County, Wisconsin, will meet on April 22, 2024 from 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board.

No person will be allowed to appear before the Board of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board.

The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board’s Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board shall waive the requirement during the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive the requirement up to the end of the fifth day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first two hours of the first scheduled meeting.

Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Review within the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to the end of the fifith day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days.  The Board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question.  Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land.  No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property.  The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.

When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the peron’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.  The Town of Emmet has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.  The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s.19.35(1), Wis. Stats.

The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability.  No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of an assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a), Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald





Town of Emmet Residents

Notice of Open Book

Town of Emmet, Marathon County


Pursuant to s70.45 Wisconsin Statutes, the Assessment Roll for the year 2024 assessment will be open for examination on April 15, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:30 P.M at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  The assessor will be available to answer questions on assessments.  Informational material will be provided at the open book to persons who wish to object to valuations under s70.47 Wisconsin Statutes.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 9, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of March 12, 2024 meeting.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Peoples State Bank account changes – Mike Maguire.

7.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

8.        Open gravel bids and dust control bids and Board action to award gravel & dust control bids.

9.        Fire bill from Edgar Fire Department.

10.      Discussion on and possible action on equipment leasing.

11.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

a.    ARPA fund usage.

b.    Employee handbook.

c.     Culvert inspection updates.

d.    Town of Emmet landowner MFL violation.

e.    Other topics.

12.      Agenda items for annual meeting.

13.      Public comments.

14.      Next Town Board Meeting – May 14, 2024.

15.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Town of Emmet Annual Meeting – Tuesday, April 16, 2024 @ 7:00 PM.


Open book session for assessor is Monday, April 15, 2024. 

Board of review scheduled for Monday, April 22, 2024.


Marathon County Western Towns & Villages Association quarterly meeting – Thursday, April 25, 2024 – Town of Cleveland Town Hall – Lunch 6:30 pm, meeting to follow.


Edgar Joint Township Tanker meeting – Tuesday, May 7, 2024 @ 8:00 pm at the Edgar Fire Station.




Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



March 12, 2024


Monthly Town Board Meeting

Agenda Posted at Halder Community Hall and

Town of Emmet Website


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Charles Glenn, Frank Feehrer, Will Litzer, Doug & Sue Diethert, Huck Kress, and Steve Stankowski.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Tom Meier, Forestry Management, gave the group a presentation regarding the spruce trees and other vegetation surrounding the ballpark.  Meier explained that nearly all the spruce trees are dying or nearly dead due to a disease.  The only solution to this problem would be the removal of the trees.  He mentioned that buckthorn, an evasive plant, is also very prevalent in this area.  In order to control buckthorn, those plants would need to be destroyed and the roots removed.  Meier did give the Board a ballpark figure for “per acre” removal cost.  Meier answered numerous questions from the audience.  No Board action was taken at this meeting. 

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the February 20, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for March 2024.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18610 through 18622, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve operators’ licenses for Abbygail Oertel, Amelia Gajewski, Megan Bozinski, Lindsey Gorka, and Olysta Baumann.  Motion carried.

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         No building permits were issued.

·         Supervisors Dahlke and Baur are registered for BOR training on March 16, 2024. 

·         The Clerk will order an additional sign for 128103 North Bayside Drive.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to authorize the publication for gravel bids and dust control bids.  The ad will be placed in the Town newspaper (The Record Review).  The dust control and gravel bids will be opened at the April 9, 2024 meeting.  Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the proposed employee handbook and discussed changes and additions.  No formal action taken at this meeting.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Board discussed use of ARPA funds for repairing the Town Hall entrance.  Numerous suggestions were made.  No final action was taken.  The Clerk will make a report to the federal government by April 30, 2024, designating the ARPA money will be used for.

·         Supervisor Dahlke informed the Board that grant money is available for new wells, which qualify.  Dahlke will apply for this grant as the time period is quite limited. 

·         Board members will arrange for the food and refreshments for the annual meeting. 

·         It was briefly discussed about the possibility of leasing a tractor for brush cutting and using the reclaimer.  No action taken on this topic.

Public Comments:

·               Numerous comments from the audience on various topics ranging from the tree removal, plans for Town Hall repairs, and the annual meeting topics.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the date for the next Town Board meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:57 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 12, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of February 20, 2024 meeting.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Approve operators licenses for Abbygail Oertel, Amelia Gajewski, Megan Bozinski, Lindsey Gorka, and Olysta Baumann.

7.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

8.        Authorize publication for gravel bids and dust control bids.

9.        Board discussion and possible adoption of employee handbook.

10.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

a.    Discussion on usage of ARPA funds.

b.    Other topics.

11.      Tom Meier – DNR.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Next Town Board Meeting – April 9, 2024.

14.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Board of Review training – Saturday, March 16, 2024 – Eagles Club, Marshfield.


Spring primary election – Tuesday, April 2, 2024.  Polls open 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.


Town of Emmet Annual Meeting – Tuesday, April 16, 2024 @ 7:00 PM.


Open book session for assessor is Monday, April 15, 2024. 

Board of review scheduled for Monday, April 22, 2024.



Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



February 20, 2024


Monthly Town Board Meeting

Agenda Posted at Halder Community Hall and

Town of Emmet Website


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Charles Glenn, Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, Julie & Gary Rhyner, Doug & Sue Diethert, and Steve Stankowski.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the January 9, and 11, 2024 meetings.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for February 2024.  He reported tax collections were $1,077,793.91 (which included special charges of $79,832.20 and MFL taxes of $19,602.69).  This is 67.9% of the total taxes levied. Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18579 through 18606, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment to the School Districts, Marathon County, and NTC.  Motion carried.

Clerks Communications and Reports:

·         One building permit was issued – Tyler Dahlke, house remodeling.

·         The Clerk and Chairman Maguire attended the BOR training and are both certified.  Supervisors Dahlke and Baur are signed up for the March 16 training session.

·         The Town employee will install a new address sign for Rock Ridge Orchard on Highway H.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the annual loan payment ($86,562.43) to the BCPL.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve the payment ($22,500.00) to the Mosinee Fire District for 2024 fire and ambulance service.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion, motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to have Delmore Consulting do the inventory for Town culverts, which would qualify under the 6-20 culvert project.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve purchase of a brush cutter, which was for sale by the Town of Mayville.  The Town’s bid of $26,750 was accepted by the Town of Mayville.  Motion carried.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to authorize Chairman Maguire to sign a fuel contract with River Country Co-op for 2,400 gallons of off-road fuel and 1,600 gallons of regular fuel.  Motion carried.

·         Kevin Lang of Marathon County Highway Department has inspected the Fairview Road culvert slated for replacement.  That culvert has been approved for County 50/50 cost share.  A DNR inspection will also be needed to determine the size of the replacement culvert.

·         Adoption of a handbook for Town employees will be discussed at the March meeting.

·         A lengthy Board discussion on use of ARPA funds for the Town Hall entrance renovation.  Board members will need to make a final determination on what project ARPA funds will be used.  There is an April deadline for the Clerk to file a project usage report with the federal government.  The deadline for spending ARPA funds is still December 2026. 

Public Comments – Sue Diethert. 

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the date for the next Town Board meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM.  Motion carried.  Depending upon the weather, the meeting will still be in the Town garage.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:30 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 20, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of January 9 and11, 2024 meetings.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Approval of levy payments to schools, county, and NTC.

7.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

8.        Approve payment to BCPL for loan.

9.        Approve payment to Mosinee Fire District for 2024 fire and ambulance service.

10.      Board decision on inventory for 6-20 culvert project.

11.      Board approval of brush cutter purchase.

12.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

a.    Fairview Road culvert replacement inspection.

b.    Other topics.

c.     Discussion on usage of ARPA funds for Community Town Hall renovation.

13.      Public comments.

14.      Next Town Board Meeting – March 12, 2024.

15.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Open book session for assessor is Monday, April 15, 2024. 

Board of review scheduled for Monday, April 22, 2024.




Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



January 9, 2024


Monthly Town Board Meeting

Agenda Posted at Halder Community Hall and

Town of Emmet Website


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Charles Glenn, Justin Martin, Ken Stankowski, Ben Cihlar, Will Litzer, Terry Stahnke, Bruce Baur, Bernard Martin, Tamara King, Jesse Christiansen, Frank Feehrer, and Rob Clint.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the December 12, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for January 2024.  He reported tax collections of $560,517.84 and special charges of $39,804.00.  Tax collections were .389% of the total.  County, school, and NTC levies will be paid tomorrow.  The treasurer will have tax collection hours on Saturday, January 27; and Wednesday, January 31, 2024.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18534 through 18578, wages, and payments made electronically.  This will include checks that have been re-issued to replace previously issued checks that were not cashed.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve levy payments to the four school districts, Marathon County, and NTC.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the minimum refund for tax overpayments at $5.00.  Because of the cost of sending out refunds, anything under $5.00 will not be refunded.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment to Edgar Fire Department for fire and ambulance protection for 2024 in the amount of $18,550.08.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve the 2023 financial report.  All board members received a copy of the report.  Motion carried.

The Clerk will send in registrations for the Board of Review training for Town Board members.  At least one Board member has to be certified on a yearly basis.  The two closest sessions are in Stevens Point on February 17 and in Marshfield on March 16. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to not pay the dues for the Wisconsin Towns Association TAC Council.  Motion carried.

Clerk Communications:

·         No building permits were issued since the last meeting.

·         There are several tax overpayments.  The Clerk will issue refund checks.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Jessee Christiansen, private contractor whom the Town has hired to do brushing was present.  Because of the favorable late fall and early winter weather a lot has been accomplished cutting overhanging branches and trimming ditches.

Leon Woller, Rural Mutual Insurance, outlined insurance coverage for Town-owned properties.  The main focus of his presentation was liability coverage for the grandstand, dugouts, shelter, and ball diamond.  Representatives from the Halder Community Club explained the coverage they have for all the summer events they sponsor.  Mr. Woller and the Halder Community Club will meet and make changes to insurance coverage to avoid double coverage.

Representatives from the Marathon County CPZ scheduled to be present were not there.  A discussion among Board members and audience members concerning the holding tank agreement for the Halder Community Club followed.  Chairman Maguire insisted that no action be taken on permit approval until a representative from the Marathon County CPZ could be present.  A special meeting will be scheduled on Thursday, January 11, 2024 with representatives from the Marathon County CPZ.  This meeting will be held at 11:00 am at the Town of Emmet garage.

The next Board meeting date will need to be changed.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to set the date for February 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Town of Emmet garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:34 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Special Town Board Meeting, Thursday, January 11, 2024, @ 11:00 AM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Representatives from Marathon County CPZ Department to address concerns and answer questions.

4.        Board discussion and action to approve sanitary permit application for the Halder Community Club for concession stand.

5.        Authorize permit application fee payment.

6.        Public comments.

7.        Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 9, 2024, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Approval of printed minutes of December 12, 2023 meeting.

4.        Treasurer’s report.

5.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

6.        Approval of levy payments to schools, county, and NTC.

7.        Approve payment to Edgar Fire Department for 2024 fire and ambulance service.

8.        Approval of 2023 Town of Emmet Financial report.

9.        Board of Review training conducted by the Wisconsin Towns Association.

10.      Board action on dues for Town Advocacy Council.

11.      Clerk’s communications and reports.

12.      Representative from Rural Insurance.

13.      Representative from Marathon County CPZ.

14.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

15.      Public comments.

16.      Next Town Board Meeting – February 13, 2024.

17.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Western Marathon County Towns and Villages Association quarterly meeting on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM at Town of Cassel Town Hall.  Lunch served at 6:30 PM.




Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



December 12, 2023


Monthly Town Board Meeting

Agenda Posted at Halder Community Hall and

Town of Emmet Website


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Doug Schoenfuss, Don and Shirley Dahlke, Doug and Sue Diethert, Gary and Julie Rhyner, Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, Will Litzer, Bruce Baur, Ed Rucinski, Mitch Maguire, and County Board Supervisor Jake Langenhahn.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Lisa Baur to approve the printed minutes of the November 14, 2023 meeting, November 27, 2023 and December 4, 2023 meetings.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for December 2023.  The major receipts were the shared revenue payment from the State of Wisconsin and the reimbursement from the Town of Green Valley for their share of the Eau Pleine Park Road cost.  The Treasurer mentioned there are several uncashed checks for the past few years that will be reissued before year’s end.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18503 through 18533, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Clerk’s Report:

·         One building permit was issued:  Tom Martin – house residing and window replacement.

·         The road ratings for the WISLR system have been completed and sent in.

·         The levy limit work sheet has been completed with the revised levy. 

·         The tax rates for 2023:  Edgar – 11.46, Marathon – 14.04, Mosinee – 11.32, and Stratford – 13.29.

The Rural Mutual Insurance premium for 2024 is $11,341.00 and is due on January 1, 2024.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to authorize the Clerk to pay the premium on January 1, 2024.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to appoint the election workers for the 2024 – 2025 term:  LeeAnn Thomsen, Rosalie Michlig, Cindy King, Holly Stankowski, Donna Kijak, Jane Doll, Donna Kaiser, and Brad King.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the wages for the election workers at $13.00 per hour.  Motion carried.

Doug Schoenfuss, Town of Emmet First Responder Director, summarized the year’s activities and purchases with the grant money.  There is a second defibrillator that has been purchased.  It will be available at the Town Hall for use during the summer events.

County Board Supervisor, Jake Langenhahn, updated the audience on major County Board actions.  He answered questions from audience members during and after the meeting.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         A private contractor has been hired to cut overhanging tree branches and trees that are on Town right-of-way.  The unusual late fall weather has allowed this project to continue.

Public Comments:

Sue Diethert – budget presentation at April annual meeting.

Bruce Baur – Marathon County CPZ procedures.

Ed Rucinski – bill received by Town of Bergen for Eau Pleine Park Road.

Mitch Maguire – Green Valley bill for Park Road project.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the date for the next town board meeting – January 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Town of Emmet Garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:20 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Telephone                                                                                           210901 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                   Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 12, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website





1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments.

5.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

6.        Authorize payment on January 1, 2024 to Rural Mutual Insurance for yearly Town insurance coverage.

7.        Appointment of election workers for the 2024/2025 term.  Appointees are LeeAnn Thomsen, Rosalie Michlig, Donna Kijak, Holly Stankowski, Cindy King, Jane Doll, Donna Kaiser, and Brad King.

8.        Set wages for election workers.

9.        Doug Schoenfuss.

10.      Chairman/Supervisors reports.

11.      Town of Bergen.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town of Emmet

Budget Hearing, Special Town Elector Meeting, and Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes

Held at Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM



Public Hearing on Proposed 2024 Budget


The public hearing on the proposed 2024 budget and levy was called to order by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:01 pm.  All Town Board members were present.  Town residents present were Donald & Shirley Dahlke; Diane & Duane Knetter; Doug & Sue Diethert; Rob, Kelly, & Ethan Clint; Frank Feehrer; and Wayne King.  The Clerk went through the budget line by line and noted the major changes from 2023.  The shared revenue has increased and the additional debt payment is proposed for the levy which would bring the levy to $200,878.00.  Several of the Town residents present were very vocal in their opposition to the levy increase.  After much discussion, a motion by Lisa Baur, second by Wayne King to adjourn the public hearing.  Motion carried.


Special Town Elector Meeting


Chairman Maguire called the Special Town Elector Meeting to order.  In view of the opposition of Town residents present to the proposed levy increase, the following options were presented.  The Clerk informed the audience that if another budget hearing and Town elector meeting would be necessary, a 15 to 20-day posting would be needed and that would delay the tax bill printing until late in December.  If that occurred, tax bills would most likely not arrive in time for taxpayers to pay their 2023 taxes by December 31, 2023, as many Town residents do.  After discussion, it was decided to remove the additional $54,391.00 from the proposed levy.  If this proposal passes, the levy will remain nearly the same as in 2023.  Motion by Sue Diethert, second by Donald Dahlke to amend the proposed budget to authorize the removal of the additional $54,391.00 from the levy.  The motion passed, but it was not unanimous.  The Clerk informed the audience that because of this action, the payment in March 2024 for the loan at the BCPL will require taking the $54,391.00 out of the operating budget.  A motion by Rob Clint, second by Shirley Dahlke to adjourn the Special Town Elector meeting.  Motion carried.


Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting


Chairman Maguire called the Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting to order.  All Town Board Members were present.  Also present were the Town of Emmet residents listed above and Town of Bergen Chairman Ed Rucinski.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the October 10, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for November 2023.  There were no major expenditures.  The Town of Emmet was reimbursed from Marathon County for the Eau Pleine Park Road project ($154,222.72).  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve the treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18485 through 18502, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Clerk’s Report:

·         One building permit was issued Allan Myszka – shed.

·         Marathon County is proposing changes to the general code of ordinances, chapter 15- private sewage systems, chapter 21 – non-metallic mining code, and chapter 22 – shoreland, wetland, flood plain code.   As part of the process, Marathon County CPC requests input from Town officials and residents regarding suggested changes. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve the amended levy and budget as adopted at the Town Elector meeting.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve renewing the agreement with the Town of Green Valley for gravel/salt purchase from the Town of Emmet.  Motion carried.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Chairman will contact for brush cutting along Town roads for overhanging branches and other larger brush the Town brush cutter cannot reach.

·         The wiring in the Town Hall needs to be upgraded.  Hauke Electric will be contacted.

·         The use of ARPA money for repair of the Town Hall entrance was discussed.  Several quotes will need to be obtained and a design project will be needed.

Public Comments:

Chairman Ed Rucinski, Town of Bergen.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the time and date for the next Town Board meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Town of Emmet garage.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:40 P.M.




                                                                                                                                                Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Monday, December 4, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website




1.        Call meeting to order.

2.        Pledge of Allegiance.

3.        Discussion and possible action to hire Town attorney on a limited basis.

4.        Discussion and possible action to enter into closed session pursuant to state statute 19.85(1)(c) to discuss and correct compensation to Town employees.

5.        Return to open session.

6.        Discussion and possible action to approve compensation for full-time employee.

7.        Discussion and possible action to approve compensation for part-time employee.

8.        Discussion and possible action on budget amendment.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Monday, November 27, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website




1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Board discussion and action on employee issue.

3.        Enter road ratings into WISLR system.

4.        Adjourn.





                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk









Telephone                                                                                           210901 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                   Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455





Public Hearing on Proposed 2024 Budget, Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 7:00 PM

Hearing will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Present Proposed 2024 expenditures and receipts.

3.        Comments, Questions on items within the budget.

4.        Adjourn the Budget Hearing




Special Town Elector Meeting to approve the proposed 2024 Budget and Levy,

Following the Public Hearing


1.        Call Special Town Meeting to order.

2.            Discussion and action to adopt the 2024 budget and levy.

3.            Adjourn.




Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

November 14, 2023 immediately following Special Town Elector Meeting



1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of regular Town Board Meeting of October 10, 2023.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and electronic payments

5.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

6.        Approve 2024 budget and levy as adopted at Special Town Meeting.

7.        Renewal of Town of Green Valley Agreement for salt/granite usage.

8.        Chairman and Supervisors reports

a.    Update on brushing.

b.    Equipment updates.

c.     Discussion on 2024 projects.

9.        Emergency plan update.

10.      Public comments.

11.      Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative – December 12, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M.

12.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website.





Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



October 10, 2023


Monthly Town Board Meeting

Agenda Posted at Halder Community Hall and

Town of Emmet Website


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Ben Nechuta and Bryan Michlig.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the September 7, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for October 2023.  The major expenditure was the payment to American Asphalt for the Eau Pleine Park Road.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18451 through 18484, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried. 

Clerk’s Report:

·         Four building permits were issued:  Bill Oelke – storage shed, Greg and Dawn Mariani – new house and attached garage, Peter and Linda Bistis – large shed, and Francis Clark – deck.

·         The Town of Emmet population for 2023 is estimated at 901 according to the Wisconsin Department of Administration. 

·         The Clerk informed the Board that the course for Iron Bull race will involve a few Town of Emmet roads.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve the Fairview Road culvert replacement application for cost-share to Marathon County.  Motion carried.  The Clerk sent this application before the October 1 deadline.

Road ratings and the WISLR Paser report will be due by December 15, 2023.  A date will be set to complete this report.

The Board discussed a possible project for a TRIP grant for 2024.  At this time, no project will be applied for.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Board discussed the continued problems with the tractor and brush cutter.  Board members will look into possibly leasing a tractor and brush cutter to finish the brush cutting before the winter season.  Also discussed was the possibility of hiring a company to cut the taller branches which our brush cutter cannot reach.

·         The Halder Community Club is planning on “Halder Winter Event” on December 3.

·         Additional wiring for the hall will be needed, as the present wiring cannot accommodate all the necessary roasters and cookers needed for special events.

The Clerk presented the proposed 2024 budget to the Board.  After a line-by-line review of the budget, a few changes were made.  The updated budget will be available for the budget hearing on November 14, 2023.  The Clerk will put the notices in the newspaper and website.

No public comments.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to go into closed session.  Motion carried.  All ayes.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to return to open session.  Motion carried.  All ayes.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set date for the budget hearing and special Town elector meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Town of Emmet garage.  The regular Town board meeting will follow.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:51 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






A public hearing on the proposed 2024 budget will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 7:00 P.M., at The Town of Emmet .Garage 135103 Halder Drive Mosinee Wi 54455


Notice is also given that immediately after the budget hearing a special town meeting will be called for the following purposes:


1.     To adopt the 2024 town tax levy and budget pursuant to section 60.10(2) of the state statutes.




The budget in detail is available from the Clerk.


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held following the special Town Meeting, also being held at the Town of Emmet Garage.


By order of the Town Board, Town of Emmet


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          


Summary of Budget Proposal



2023 Budget

2023 Jan –Sept.

Proposed 2024

Taxes-Property MFL




Intergovernmental Revenue




2% Fire Dues




ATC Payment




Licenses and Permits




Highway Materials








Rent, Escrow, Misc.








Garbage and Recycling




Cost Share (County & Local)















2023 Budget

2023 Jan. –Oct.

Proposed 2024

General Government




Public Safety




Public Works
















Garbage and Recycling




Capital Outlay




Debt Service















Town of Emmet




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Agenda posted at Halder Community Hall and Town of Emmet website




1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of September 7, 2023 meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and reports.

6.        Fairview Road culvert replacement application to Marathon County.

7.        Road ratings and WISLR report.

8.        Possible TRIP project for 2024.

9.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

10.    Budget discussion and approval of budget for Town elector meeting in November.

11.    Public comments.

12.    Motion to go to close session pursuant to Statute 19.85.

13.    Return to open session.

14.    Set time, date, and place for the next Board meeting, budget hearing, and Town elector meeting:  November 14, 2023.

15.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association quarterly meeting – Thursday, October 26, 2023 at County Aire Ballroom.  Meal at 6:30 pm and meeting at 7:00 pm.




Town Board Meeting Minutes



September 7, 2023


Monthly Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Joe & Donna Kijak, Doug Schoenfuss, Sue Dietert, Terry Harteau, Rob Clint, Frank Feehrer, and Nathan and Darrel Soczka. 

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the August 8, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for September 2023.  The major receipt was the loan obtained from the BCPL.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18433 through 18450, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.  The Clerk will send the WPS bill to the treasurer when the bill arrives.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to authorize the Clerk to pay American Asphalt upon receipt of their bill for the Eau Pleine Park Road project.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         Three building permits were issued:  Dave Koss – front and back deck replacement on house, Tom Knetter – residing of house, Josh Slack – new windows on house.

·         The preliminary Town of Emmet levy for 2024 will be $200,878.  The Clerk will have a budget prepared for Board discussion for the October meeting.

Doug Schoenfuss, Town of Emmet first responder, director for the Town of Emmet, outlined to the Board the remaining funds available from the EMS grant.  All monies will need to be allocated by September 30, 2023.  It was the intention of the Board to use some of the remaining funds for training another first responder, however, no one has come forward.  After Board discussion, motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to divide the remaining funds among the present first responders based upon years of service.  Motion carried. 

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Board and audience were informed that the property located between South Bayside and North Bayside, with water frontage, is a buildable site.  Consequently, the owners, at this time, are unwilling to sell.  For the present, there will be no changes in the location of the public access road.

·         The truck and grader will need several repairs before the winter season. 

·         Bush cutting on the overhanging branches and other material that is out of reach of our bush cutter was discussed.  No formal action taken.

·         Next year’s budget will provide for a purchase of a new brush mower for the Town. 

·         Possible road projects for next year were discussed.

·         October 1 is the deadline for applying for 50/50 county aid on larger culverts.

Public Comments:

·         Town residents present concerned about levy increases were informed the budget hearing for the Town of Emmet will be in November 2023.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to set the time and tentative date for the next meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:08 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Town Board Meeting, Thursday, September 7, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of August 8, 2023 meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.        Approve payment to American Asphalt.

6.        Clerk’s communication and reports.

7.        Doug Schoenfuss – designate use for remaining grant funds

8.        Preliminary budget discussion and Town levy increase

9.        Possible TRIP project for 2024.

10.    Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.        Culvert projects for 2024.

b.        Brush cutting schedule.

c.        Update on equipment repairs.

d.        Possible road projects for 2024 (Emmet Road)

11.    Public comments

12.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  October 10, 2023.

13.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon County TRIP meeting – September 13, 2023.


Wisconsin Towns Association Fall Workshop – September 18, 2023.



Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



August 8, 2023


Monthly Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Bryan Michlig, Aaron Nieman, Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, and Doug and Sue Dietert.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Lisa Baur to approve the printed minutes of the July 10, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Clerk Gerald W. Fitzgerald presented the financial report for August 2023.  Monthly receipts included the first payment of shared revenue and 2% fire dues.  The 2% fire dues will be distributed among the three fire departments serving the township.  The largest payment was to Worden Enterprises for the graveling for Briar and Moss Roads.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18422 through 18432, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.  Bills for electronic payments will be forwarded to Treasurer Maguire for payment.

Clerk’s Report:

·         Three building permits were issued:  Kerry Olson – window replacement in the house and addition of a small storage shed, JRK Properties – house remodeling, and Cory Christian – new shed.

·         The loan from the BCPL has been approved and disbursement request will be sent.  The funds will be available in approximately one week.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to designate the use of the loan funds to pay for the Eau Pleine Park Road blacktopping project.  Motion carried.

Chairman Maguire informed the Board that after a lengthy delay, a load of dust control was available.  In communication with Board members, it was decided not to spread any dust control this year. 

The deadline for applying for a 50/50 cost share for large culverts is October 1.  A decision will be made at the September meeting to apply if there are failing culverts that need to be replaced.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Supervisor Dahlke reported that he has been in contact with a company that would do ground testing at the Town of Emmet property (formerly the Town landfill).  The company is studying the possibility of obtaining grants for this cost.

·         Aaron Nieman requested that the Town consider cleaning the ditch adjacent to his property.  There have been problems with water draining away from his sump pump.  The Town will try to schedule this for this fall, depending upon if a contractor will be available.

·         Doug & Sue Dietert inquired about the progress of changing the public access road adjacent to their property.  Supervisor Dahlke informed them that he has been in contact with the landowner.  The hold up at the present time is the DNR determination of whether the property in question is buildable or not.

Public Comments:

·         A Town resident had questions regarding the impact of the loan on the tax levy.  It was explained that the yearly payment for the loan will be on the tax levy.  At this time, it is difficult to determine what the tax rate will be because the County, school districts, and NTC levies are not set.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the time and tentative date for the next meeting on September 12, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:10 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, August 8, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of July 10, 2023 meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and reports.

6.        Designate project for distribution of loan funds.

7.        Additional graveling for 2023.

8.        Culvert replacement for 50/50 cost share for 2024.

9.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

10.    Public comments

11.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  September 12, 2023.

12.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



July 10, 2023


Monthly Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Also present were Frank Feehrer and Bruce Baur.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Lisa Baur to approve the printed minutes of the June 13, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for July 2023.  Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18405 through 18421, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.  Another bill from Worden Enterprises for road graveling will be paid before the next meeting.

Clerk’s Report:

·         Four building permits were issued since the last meeting.  Kevin Iczkowski – new shed; Steven Spaite – pond; Chris Guldan – new windows and siding on house, and a small storage shed; Gerald W. Fitzgerald – three season room

·         The IT specialist is working on the email.  It has been approved.

·         Marathon County Joint Eastern and Western Towns Association meeting will be on Thursday, July 27, 2023.  Hopefully at this meeting, some clear answers will be provided as to the GTA money and shared revenues in lieu of the Governor’s veto.

Aaron Kaiser was on the agenda to discuss his proposals for additional housing, however he did not attend the meeting.  The Clerk explained to the Board what he intends to do.  No action taken.

The following preamble and resolutions were presented by Supervisor Dahlke and were read at the meeting in regard to the application to the Board of Commissioners of Public Land.

By the provisions of Sec. 24.66 of the Wisconsin Statutes, all municipalities may borrow money for such purposes in the manner prescribed, and,

By the provisions of Chapter 24 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands of Wisconsin in authorized to make loans from the State Trust Funds to municipalities for such purposes.  (Municipality as defined by Sec. 24.60(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes means a town, village, city, county, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, town sanitary district created under Sec. 60.71 or 60.72, metropolitan sewerage district created under Sec. 200.05 or 200.23, joint sewerage system created under Sec. 281.43(4), school district or technical college district.)

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Emmet, in the County(ies) of Marathon, Wisconsin, borrow from the Trust Funds of the State of Wisconsin the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($150,000.00) for the purpose of financing roadwork and for no other purpose.

The loan is to be payable within three (3) years from the 15th day of March preceding the date the loan is made.  The loan will be repaid in annual installments with interest at the rate of 5.50 percent per annum from the date of making the loan to the 15th day of March next and thereafter annually as provided by law.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that there shall be raised and there is levied upon all taxable property, within the Town of Emmet, in the County(ies) of Marathon, Wisconsin, a direct annual tax for the purpose of paying interest and principal on the loan as they become due.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that no money obtained by the Town of Emmet by such loan from the state be applied or paid out for any purpose except financing roadwork without the consent of the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that in case the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands of Wisconsin agrees to make the loan, that the chairman and clerk of the Town of Emmet, in the County(ies) of Marathon, Wisconsin, are authorized and empowered, in the name of the Town to execute and deliver to the Commission, certificates of indebtedness, in such form as required by the Commission, for any sum of money that may be loaned to the Town pursuant to this resolution.  The chairman and clerk of the Town will perform all necessary actions to fully carry out the provisions of Chapter 24 Wisconsin Statutes, and these resolutions.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that these resolutions and the aye and no vote by which they were adopted, be recorded, and that the clerk of this Town forward this certified record, along with the application for the loan, to the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands of Wisconsin.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve adoption of the foregoing preamble and resolution to borrow One Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($150,000.00).  Motion carried.  Dahlke – aye, Baur – aye, Maguire – aye.


Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Supervisor Dahlke reported contacting an individual concerning grant possibilities to finance the soil testing at the former Town of Emmet landfill property.  More information on this will be available at the August meeting.

·         The retaining wall at the rear entrance of the Town Hall will be fixed this week. 

·         The following roads have been graveled:  Two north miles of Maple Leaf Road, all sections of Briar Road, and Moss Road.  Brookfield Road is on the list to be graveled, but depending upon the Town finances after the conclusion of the Park Road project.

·         The Chairman will issue a permit to the Halder Community Club for the fireworks display on Saturday, July 15, 2023.

·         No action was taken on a possible ordinance concerning wind turbines.

·         Projects for the ARPA money were discussed.  The entrance to the Town Hall needs repair.  The Board decided that this should be one of the major uses for the ARPA money.  Supervisor Dahlke will have further information for the August meeting. 

Public Comments:

·         None.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the time and tentative date for the next meeting on August 8, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:31 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Telephone                                                                                         210901 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                 Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455






Town Board Meeting, Monday, July 10, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of June 13, 2023 meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and reports.

6.        Board resolution to approve three-year loan from The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands.

7.        Aaron Kaiser

8.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Graveling update.

b.    Dust control.

c.    Other topics.

9.        Public comments

10.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  August 8, 2023.

11.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting Minutes



June 13, 2023


Monthly Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Doug Schoenfuss, Ben Nechuta, Frank Feehrer, Rob Clint, Don Dahlke, and County Board Supervisor Tim Sondelski.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the May 9, 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for June 2023.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18383 through 18404, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         Two building permits were issued since the last meeting.  Xavier Martin – new shed and Dennis Miller – new shed.

·         The Clerk will be working with IT Specialist, Brian Wiese, to create a email.  The sub grant money of $600 will be used for this project.

·         Frontier Communication has sent the permit fee for the utility permits for fiber optic installation.

·         The Clerk presented to the Board a financial outlined for the remainder of 2023, including projected income and expenses.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve beer and liquor licenses for Rock Ridge Orchard and Safari Bar.  Motion carried.

Doug Schoenfuss, Town of Emmet First Responder Director, presented to the Board the purchases made by using the EMS Grant.  All monies from this grant will have to be designated for usage by the August 2023 deadline.  Some money can be put in reserve for training for future first responders and for additional compensation to the first responders.

After a lengthy discussion, motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to authorize the Clerk to forward an application to the Board of Land Commissioners for a $150,000 loan for a three-year period.  Motion carried.  The necessary paperwork and resolution will be available to be acted on at the July meeting.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The possible sale of the Town-owned land (former Town dump) was discussed.  A company will need to be hired to do a soil test.  This could be a fairly expensive project.  The Board will explore the possibility of getting a grant for this project.

·         Ben will contact Worden Enterprises for graveling roads (Maple Leaf Road, Briar Road, and Moss Road).

·         Application of dust control was discussed.  The Town is on the list to get dust control, however, it could be several weeks.  It was decided to spread just in front of residents that request the dust control.

·         Supervisor Baur outlined several updates that are needed in the Halder Community Hall.  The main item is updating the electrical.

·         Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to hire SD Ellenbecker to fix the retaining wall at the rear entrance of the Community Wall.  Motion carried.

Public Comments:

·         Comments from the public included Rob Clint; Don Dahlke; and County Board Supervisor, Tim Sondelski. 

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to set the time and tentative date for the next meeting on July 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:32 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of May 9, 2023 meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and reports.

6.        Approve beer and liquor license for Rock Ridge Orchard and Safari Bar.

7.        First Responder report – Doug Schoenfuss.

8.        Financial update and payment plans for 2023 projects.

9.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

10.    Public comments

11.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  July 11, 2023.

12.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



May 9, 2023


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:01 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Lisa Baur, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Will Litzer, Rob Clint, Sue Dietert, Frank Feehrer, Jamie Cheyka-Maguire, Jacon Maguire, and Shandra Skalecke.

Motion by Lisa Baur, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the April 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for May 2023.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18362 through 18382, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Because the WPS bill was not in at the time of the meeting, motion by Baur, second by Tyler to authorize Treasurer Maguire to pay the bill upon arrival.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         Two building permits were issued since the last meeting.  Mel & Sonia Cook – window replacement in residence; and Tyler Pankratz – new house and attached garage.

·         The Clerk will apply to the State Election Commission for a sub-grant for $600.  This money will be used to create a email and website.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to approve beer permits for the summer softball season for the Halder Community Club.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to designate the ATC payment for the highway budget.  Motion carried.

Town of Emmet resident, Will Litzer, outlined to the Board a problem involving line fences and cattle getting onto his land.  The Board explained that this is not a Town Board issue and the matter should be settled between the two parties involved.  After the fence is completed, Board supervisors could inspect the fence to make sure it is properly built.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to appoint Kevin Kraft to fill the vacancy on the Town of Emmet Planning Commission.  Motion carried.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The Town purchased several loads of ground up blacktop from American Asphalt and applied it to Skyview Road from State Road 153 to the gravel pit entrance.  This material was readily available because American Asphalt was repaving State Road 153.

·         The Board had a lengthy discussion on the sale of Town-owned property.  As this 40-acre site was where the former Town dump was located, ground testing will be required before any sale of this property.  The REI company was mentioned for possibly doing the testing.  Board members will make contacts to get the best price for this testing.  There will be an update the next Board meeting.

·         An ordinance for wind turbines was discussed.  Chairman Maguire mentioned that any new ordinances would need to override the exemption in our present ordinance for all power-related enplacements.  Opinions from Town Association attorneys are that most local ordinances that supersede the regulation authority of the public service commission would not be enforceable.  Board members will contact attorneys, no formal Board action taken at this meeting.

·         Gravel and culvert replacements will be formalized at the next meeting.

·         A lengthy discussion concerning issuance of liquor licenses.  The Town Board cannot deny a liquor license even if the holder does not open for business.  The Town Board will renew liquor licenses at the June meeting.

Public Comments:

·         A few Town residents at the meeting were concerned about the wind turbines.  It was explained that local ordinances that supersede the PSC authority are not going to be enforceable. 

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baur to set the time and date for the next meeting on June 13, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baur, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:33 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 9, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of April 11, 2023 meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and reports.

6.        Approve beer permits for Halder Community Club for 2023.

7.        Amend budget to designate ATC funds for highway expense

8.        William Heil.

9.        Will Litzer.

10.    Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Board action to fill vacancy on Planning Commission.

b.    Discussion on sale of Town-owned property.

c.    Discussion and possible Board action wind energy ordinance.

d.    Beer and liquor license renewal.

e.    Graveling and culvert replacement projects.

11.    Public comments

12.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  June13, 2023.

13.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Wisconsin Towns Association workshop – Wednesday, May10, 2023 in Stevens Point, WI





Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



April 11, 2023


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:01 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Ben Nechuta, Bryan Michlig, Lisa Baur, Frank Feehrer, Doug Dietert, Bill Heil, and Randy & Kaylee Worden.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the March 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for April 2023.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18332 through 18361, wages, and payments made electronically.  Included in the payment was the yearly Edgar Tanker Association assessment.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         No building permits issued since the last meeting.

·         In the April 4, 2023, election, there were 345 voters.  Chairman Meldon Maguire, Clerk Jerry Fitzgerald, and Treasurer Mike Maguire were re-elected.  Supervisors elected were Tyler Dahlke with 237 votes and Lisa Baur with 186 votes.  Incumbent Supervisor Rob Clint received 117 votes.

·         Open book will be April 17, 2023.  The Board of Review is scheduled for April 24, 2023.

·         The Annual meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2023. 

·         Western Towns Association meeting is April 27, 2023.  The Edgar Tanker Association meeting is scheduled for May 2, 2023.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve operators’ licenses for Avery Haugen, Nicole Curtis, Kristie Hughes, Autumn Oertel, Grace Graebel, and Julie Knetter.  Motion carried.

Bill Heil, Town of Emmet resident presented to the Board proposals regarding residence issues for an individual interested in milking cows at Mr. Heil’s farm.  Mr. Heil was instructed to contact the Marathon County CPZ regarding sanitation issues.  Based on what the CPZ will allow, the Board will make a decision at the May meeting.

Granite Bids received:

Kafka Road Materials



          Decomposed Granite

$7.23 delivered

$4.50 picked up

          Fill Material

$6.23 delivered

$3.00 picked up

          Overrun Rock

$8.73 delivered

$6.00 picked up

          Pit Run Breaker Rock

$6.73 delivered

$4.00 picked up

Red Rock



          Decomposed Granite

$8.68 delivered

$5.25 picked up

          Overrun Rock

$11.98 delivered

$10.00 picked up

Worden Enterprises



          Decomposed Granite

$6.80 delivered

$4.10 picked up

          Fill Material

$5.91 delivered

$3.10 picked up

          Pit Run Breaker Rock (8x0”)

$8.06 delivered

$5.25 picked up

          Pit Run Breaker Rock

$6.56 delivered

$3.75 picked up

          Overrun Rock (3x8”)

$13.81 delivered

$11.00 picked up

          Overrun Rock (9x30”)

$15.31 delivered

$12.50 picked up

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to accept the bid of Worden Enterprises for decomposed granite at $6.80 and fill dirt at $5.91.  Also in this motion to accept the bid of Kafka Road Material for overrun rock and pit run rock breaker rock.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the decomposed granite bid of Kafka for a backup bid.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the bid of Kafka Dust Busters for dust control at $1.32 per gallon.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion, motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to sign a contract with River Country for road fuel.  Motion carried.  Chairman Maguire will sign the contract at the going rate.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Discussion on manure hauling on posted roads – the Chairman will make the decision on issuing permits. 

·         Cleaning of brush and tree limbs from ditches was discussed.  Town employees will not have the time; hopefully most residents will be able to clean ditches along their property.

·         Town employees mentioned residents pushing snow across roads.  No formal action taken, however, this is not only illegal but also dangerous.

·         The issue of wind turbines was briefly discussed.  No action taken.  This will be a matter of discussion at the annual meeting next week.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adopt the Town Utility Permit for companies installing fiber optic cable.  Motion carried.

Plans for the Annual meeting were discussed, including food and refreshments and discussion topics.

An addendum item added to the agenda was discussed.  This involved an error in ballot placement for the April 2023 election.  In future elections, the Town Board will review and approve the ballot placement verifying that it is correct before that information is forwarded to the County.

Public Comments:

·         A land purchase has been made by Town residents.  Their intent is to install a culvert and clean the ditches.  This will occur along Moss Road.  The Board agreed to their proposals.

·         Chairman Maguire thanked Supervisor Clint for his serving on the Town Board for the past two years.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to set the time and date for the May meeting on May 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:52 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 11, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of March 14, 2022 meeting.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Clerk’s communication and reports.

6.       Approve operators’ licenses for Avery Haugen, Nicole Curtis, Kristie Hughes, Autumn Oertel, Grace Grabow, and Julie Knetter.

7.       Open bids for gravel and dust control, and Board action to award bids.

8.       Board discussion and possible action to approve pre-payment for road fuel from River Country Co-op.

9.       William Heil.

10.    Chairman and Supervisor reports.

11.    Approval of utilities permit for fiber optic installation.

12.    Board discussion regarding wind turbines.

13.    Oath of office for newly elected Town officials.

14.    Discussion items for the annual meeting.

15.    Public comments

16.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  May 9, 2023.

17.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Open Book is Monday, April 17, 2023 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.


Annual Meeting is Tuesday, April 18, 2023 beginning at 7:00 PM.


Board of Review training for Town officials is Saturday, April 22, 2023 in Stevens Point, WI.


Board of Review – Monday, April 24, 2023 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM.


Marathon County Western Towns & Villages meeting – Thursday, April 27, 2023 – Town of Bern




Town of Emmet

Town Board Meeting Minutes



March 14, 2023


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Bryan Michlig, John Zogata, Kevin Kraft, Randy Christiansen, Mitch Maguire, Frank Feehrer, and Lisa Baur.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Rob Clint to approve the printed minutes of the February 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for March 2023.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18303 through 18331, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of $22,500 to Mosinee Fire District for fire and ambulance coverage for 2023.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to authorize the Clerk to put gravel bid notices in the Town newspaper.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Communications:

·         No building permits issued since the last meeting.

·         There were several property transactions – two residence sales and several land sales.

·         Public test for election equipment will be on Monday, March 27, 2023. 

·         Spring election is on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.  Polls open at 7:00 am.

·         At least one Town Board member will need to attend Board of Review training.  The closest training site is Steven Point on April 22, 2023.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to award the bid for the Eau Pleine Park Road project to American Asphalt for $254,971.00.  Motion carried.  One other bid was received from RC Pavers for $262,269.50.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to adopt the Town of Emmet utility policy.  Motion carried.  The reason for this policy is to monitor fiber optic installation on Town road right-of-ways.

A Town of Emmet permit for companies installing fiber optic was discussed.  A few changes will be made to the permit that was presented at the meeting.  The Board will adopt this modified permit at the April meeting.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         John Zogata was present and informed the Board that he would be available for grader hire to assist municipalities in grading.  He had several suggestions regarding clean up of brush and tree limbs from the ice storms this past winter.

·         Board discussion on spring clean up regarding brush and down trees in ditches from the ice storms.  Clean up activity will depend upon snow melting and ditches drying out.  There will be an item in the newsletter concerning this topic.

·         Board discussion on proposal from Frank Feehrer – No formal Board action taken.

Public Comments:

·         Mitch Maguire, Town of Green Valley Supervisor, presented a proposal to the Town of Emmet Board regarding usage of Town of Emmet truck.  Maguire informed the Board that the Town of Green Valley truck will be down for repairs.  The two Boards will work together so the Town of Green Valley will have a truck available for snowplowing when the need arises.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the time and date for the April meeting on April 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Town garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:13 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 14, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of February 14, 2022 meeting.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Approve payment to Mosinee Fire District for fire and ambulance service for 2023.

6.       Clerk’s communication and reports.

7.       Stratford School Board representative.

8.       Authorize Clerk to put notices in Town newspaper for gravel and dust control bids, which will be opened at the April 11, 2023 meeting.

9.       Open bids for Eau Pleine Park Road project and Board action to award bid.

10.    Adopt the Town of Emmet utility policy.

11.    Approve Town of Emmet permits for companies installing fiber optic cable.

12.    Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.       Time table for cleaning of ditches and right-of-ways due to the ice storms.

b.       Frank Feehrer.

c.       Sale of Town-owned land.

d.       Other concerns.

13.    Public comments

14.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  April 11, 2023.

15.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Public test for election equipment – March 27, 2023 @ 9:00 am.


Spring election is Tuesday, April 4, 2023.





Town Board Meeting Minutes



February 14, 2023


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:02 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Ben Nechuta, Bryan Michlig, Rakel Mata, Lisa Baur, Frank Feehrer, Maverick & Marissa Ashbeck, and Doug & Sue Dietert.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the January 2023 meeting.  Motion carried. 

In the Treasurer’s absence, Clerk Jerry Fitzgerald presented the financial report for February 2023.  Major payments included the February settlements for the school districts, the county, and Northcentral Technical College.  Also paid was the annual debt payment to the Bureau of Land Commissioners.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18272 through 18302, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of the school district levies, Northcentral Technical School levy, and Marathon County levy.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the annual debt payment ($32,171.35) to the Bureau of Land Commissioners.  Motion carried.  There are two payments remaining on the truck.

Clerk’s Report:

·         Two building permits were issued in February 2023:  Jordan Leonhard – house remodeling, and Stratford Sign Company – sign for Kafka Granite.

·         The primary election will be February 21, 2023. 

·         The bid notice for the Eau Pleine Park Road blacktop project will be put in the Town newspaper, and bids will be open on the March 14 meeting.

·         The results from the last water test at the Town Hall have not yet been received.  A report will be given at the March meeting.

There was Board discussion on the Bayside public access trail.  No action taken.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to not join McDEVCO.  Motion carried.

Board discussion on a utility policy and possible Town utility permits.  Board action on this item will be on the March 2023 agenda.

A lengthy Board discussion concerning the sale of Town-owned properties.  Legal advice will be gathered before any further action is taken.  Agenda item for March meeting.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to authorize printing of the annual report.  Motion carried.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Board concern with Town residents required to put in new septic systems.

·         Marathon County proposal to test private wells. 

·         Board discussion on proposal by Gene & Ruth Novitzke regarding house repair and contractor housing during the repair time.  The Board will require a signed statement outlining the plans.

Public Comments:

·         Retaining wall on southeast entrance of Town Hall needs to be upgraded.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to go into close session.  Motion carried.  All – ayes.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to return to open session.  Motion carried.  All – ayes.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the time and date for the March meeting on March 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Town garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:56 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 14, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of January 10, 2022 meetings.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Approve payment of school and county levies.

6.       Approve payment to Bureau of Land Commissioners.

7.       Clerk’s communication and reports.

8.       Report on well water test and future action.

9.       Bayside subdivision access trail.

10.    McDevco Communication.

11.    Marathon County utility policy and Town utility permits.

12.    Discussion on sale of Town-owned land.

13.    Authorize printing of annual report.

14.    Chairman and Supervisors reports.

15.    Gene & Ruth Novitzke proposal.

16.    Public comments.

17.    Motion to go into closed session pursuant to Statute 19.85.

18.    Motion to return to open session.

19.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  March 14, 2023.

20.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Wisconsin Towns Association District meeting is on February 17, 2023 in Marshfield, Wisconsin.


Spring primary election is Tuesday, February 21, 2023.






January 10, 2023


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:14 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Will Litzer, Lisa Baur, Jim Kurtzweil, and Bryan Michlig.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the December 2022 meetings.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for January 2023.  Major payments included the school levies and the fire and ambulance contract with Edgar Fire Department.  Also included were the salaried for the elected officials.  Maguire reported that 37% of the taxes have been collected.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18226 through 18268, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of the school district levies, Northcentral Technical School levy, and Marathon County levy.

Clerk’s Report:

·         No building permits issued in January 2023.

·         The primary election will be February 21, 2023. 

·         Waste Management has collected dumpsters from Town residents; however, many residents were missed.  Waste Management will be contacted regarding pickup of the remaining dumpsters.

·         Wisconsin Towns Association District meeting will be held on February 17, 2023 in Marshfield.  The Clerk will send registration for Town Board members interested in attending.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Discussion on Town well water problems.  No action taken.

·         Board discussion on upcoming culvert projects for 2023, utility permits for fiber-optic installation, updates to the zoning code, and sale of Town-owned land.  No action taken – these items will be agendized for future meetings.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve the year ending financial statement for 2022.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the time for the next Board meeting on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at the Town of Emmet Garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:47 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 10, 2023, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of December 13, 2022 meetings.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Approve payment of school and county levies.

6.       Clerk’s communication and reports.

7.       Chairman and Supervisors reports.

8.       Towns Association District meetings.

9.       Public comments.

10.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  February 14, 2023.

11.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association meeting, Thursday, January 26, 2023 @ Town of Berlin Town Hall.  Meal at 6:30 PM with meeting at 7:00 PM.






December 13, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Doug Schoenfuss and Ben Nechuta.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the November 2022 meetings.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for December 2022.  The Town of Emmet will receive payment from the Town of Mosinee on the Badger Road culvert.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18193 through 18225, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         No building permits issued in December 2022.

·         The Clerk will invoice the Town of Green Valley for gravel / salt purchased in November and December.

·         Harter’s Disposal will furnish all residents with new garbage containers this week.

Doug Schoenfuss, first responder director for the Town of Emmet, informed the Board that the Town has received an EMS grant of $20,040.00.  Payment will be received in two amounts of $10,020.00 each.  This money will be used for equipment for first responders, updating existing supplies, and training for persons interested in becoming first responders.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         The latest water test for the Town well has come back positive.  It is possible that creek water is entering the well.  Chairman Maguire will contact a company to determine the causes of this problem and possible solutions.

·         Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to pay the first responders $50.00 plus $40.00 for each call.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to set the election workers’ wages at $12.00 per hour effective in 2023.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to authorize the Clerk to pay the Rural Insurance premium for 2023 on January 1, 2023.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to set the caucus date for Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Halder Town garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the time for the next Board meeting on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, immediately following the caucus.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:22 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town of Emmet


The TOWN OF EMMET Caucus for nominating candidates for the April 4, 2023 election will be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M.  The caucus will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Candidates will be nominated for the following offices:  Town Chairperson, Town Supervisors (2), Town Treasurer, and Town Clerk.  Terms of office will begin on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 for a two-year term.


Gerald W. Fitzgerald


Town of Emmet – Marathon County





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 13, 2022, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of November 10, 2022 meetings.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Clerk’s communication and reports.

·        Year-end financial summary.

6.       Doug Schoenfuss – first responder grant.

7.       Chairman and Supervisors reports.

8.       Election workers wages.

9.       Authorize payment of Rural Insurance for 2023.

10.    Set caucus date (Tuesday, January 10, 2023).

11.    Public comments.

12.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative:  January 10, 2023.

13.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Minutes of November 10, 2022 Meetings


Public Hearing on Proposed 2023 Budget


The public hearing on the proposed 2023 budget was called to order by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:03 PM.  The hearing was held at the Town of Emmet Garage.  The Clerk read through the budget items and highlighted the changes from last year’s budget.  Revenues for 2023 will be higher due to increases in garbage charges and reimbursement from Marathon County for culvert projects.  The major proposed expenditure for 2023 will be the reconstruction of the east/west portion of Eau Pleine Park Road.  Motion by Jim Kurtzweil, second by Sue Diethert to adjourn the budget hearing.  Motion carried.


Special Town Elector Meeting


Chairman Maguire called the Special Town Elector Meeting to order.  The proposed 2023 budget and the 2023 Town of Emmet levy of $146,117.00 were presented to the electors present.  Motion by Sue Diethert, second by Jim Kurtzweil to approve the proposed budget and Town levy.  Motion carried.  Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to adjourn the Town Elector Meeting.  Motion carried.


Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting


Chairman Maguire called the Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting to order at 7:29 PM.  The meeting was held at the Town of Emmet Garage.  All Town Board Members were present.  Also present were Doug & Sue Diethert and Jim Kurtzweil.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Rob Clint to approve the printed minutes of the October 11, 2022 regular Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for November 2022.  The major bill for November was the cost of the new sander for the older Town truck of $5,100.00.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18167 through 18192, wages, and bills paid online.  Motion carried.

 Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the 2023 Town levy of $146,117.00 and the budget approved at the Town elector meeting.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report: 

·         There was one building permits issued – Barb Besler – new residence on North Bayside Drive.

·         484 Town of Emmet residents voted at the November 8, 2022 election.  That included 61 absentee voters and in-person voters.

·         The garbage and recycling charge for 2023 will be $19.30 per month, which is $231.60 per year.  This amount will be on the tax bill.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to renew the agreement with the Town of Green Valley for salt/granite purchases.  Motion carried.

·         Board discussion on fixing ditches and right-of-ways left in unsatisfactory condition after the fiber-optic cable installation.

·         Board discussion on the possibility of installation of wind turbines in the Town of Emmet.

·         Board discussion on overweight vehicles on Town roads, specifically manure haulers for liquid manure.  It was decided that landowners who are planning on spreading liquid manure and using Town roads should notify the Town Chairman at least one to two weeks prior so that the grading schedule can be adjusted accordingly. 

Public Comments:

Doug and Sue Diethert, South Bayside residents – comments and questions on the progress of the public access trail.

Next meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM in the Town of Emmet garage.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:51 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Public Hearing on Proposed 2023 Budget, Thursday, November 10, 2022 @ 7:00 PM

Hearing will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Present Proposed 2023 expenditures and receipts.

3.        Comments, Questions on items within the budget.

4.        Adjourn the Budget Hearing




Special Town Elector Meeting to approve the proposed 2023 Budget and Levy,

Following the Public Hearing


1.        Call Special Town Meeting to order.

2.            Discussion and action to adopt the 2023 budget and levy.

3.            Adjourn.




Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

November 10, 2022 immediately following Special Town Elector Meeting



1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of regular Town Board Meeting of October 11, 2022.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages as presented.

5.        Clerk’s communications and reports.

6.        Approve 2023 budget and levy as adopted at Special Town Meeting.

7.        Chairman and Supervisors reports

a.    Renewal of Town of Green Valley Agreement for salt/granite usage.

b.    Other highway concerns.

8.        Discussion on overweight vehicles on Town roads.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative – December 13, 2022 @ 7:00 P.M.

11.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




October 11, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7.00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Doug and Sue Diethert.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the September 13, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for October 2022.  Major bills were the Assessor’s salary and bills for culvert replacement.  The Town reimbursed Green Valley for one-half cost of Spring Green Road culvert.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18142 through 18166, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         The following building permit was issued:  Eli Nisley – two small sheds.

·         The signed contract with Harters was returned to the Clerk.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the contract with Assessor James Kurtzweil for the next three years at an annual salary of $12,000.  Motion carried.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Chairman Maguire will get price quotes for the sander for the older Town truck.  If repair costs are too high, the Board agreed to purchase a new sander.

·         A letter was forwarded to the South Bayside resident concerning target shooting.

Doug & Sue Diethert from South Bayside were present at the meeting.  There was a lengthy Board discussion involving the options for a different public access road in this subdivision.  There are land ownership issues that need to be resolved before any decision can be made.  The Board will continue to work on this issue.

The Clerk presented a preliminary budget for the Board’s consideration.  A few changes were made and a final budget will be available for the November budget hearing.

Motion by Clint, Second by Dahlke to date for the budget hearing and regular Town Board meeting for Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Town Garage.  Motion carried.  The date change is necessary due to the November 8, 2022 election.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:11 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




A public hearing on the proposed 2023 budget will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 7:00 P.M., at The Town of Emmet .Garage 135103 Halder Drive Mosinee Wi 54455


Notice is also given that immediately after the budget hearing a special town meeting will be called for the following purposes:


1.     To adopt the 2023 town tax levy and budget pursuant to section 60.10(2) of the state statutes.




The budget in detail is available from the Clerk.


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held following the special Town Meeting, also being held at the Town of Emmet Garage.


By order of the Town Board, Town of Emmet


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          


Summary of Budget Proposal



2021 Actual

2022 Jan –Oct.

Proposed 2023

Taxes-Property MFL




Intergovernmental Revenue




2% Fire Dues




ATC Payment




Licenses and Permits




Highway Materials








Rent, Escrow, Misc.








Garbage and Recycling




Cost Share (County & State)















2021 Actual

2022 Jan. –Oct.

Proposed 2023

General Government




Public Safety




Public Works
















Garbage and Recycling




Capital Outlay




Debt Service

















Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of September 13, 2022 meeting.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Clerk’s communications and reports.

6.       Approval of three-year contract for Assessor Jim Kurtzweil

7.       Authorize payment for bond for treasurer for tax collections

8.       Doug Schoenfuss, first responder director.

9.       Chairman and Supervisors reports.

10.    South Bayside access road.

11.    Formalize budget and levy for budget hearing.

12.    Public comments.

13.    Set time, date, and place for budget hearing, town elector meeting, and regular Town Board meeting:  Tentative:  November 10, 2022.

14.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association quarterly meeting – Thursday, October 27, 2022, at Town of Bergen Town Hall.





September 13, 2022





Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7.00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Doug and Sue Diethert, Cathy and Jerry Mau, George Spindler, Barb Besler, and Melvin Cook.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the August 9, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Clerk Jerry Fitzgerald presented the financial report for September 2022.  The largest receipt was the tax settlement and most of the bills were for culvert replacement projects.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18117 through 18141, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         The following building permits were issued:  Ronald Kusiak – coverall shed and Safari Bar – remodeling.

·         The latest population estimate for the Town of Emmet is 904. 

·         236 Town residents voted at the August primary.

·         Doug Schoenfuss, Town of Emmet First Responder Director, will be at the October meeting to explain the details of the Grant money.

·         The paperwork for the cost-share culvert projects has been forwarded to Marathon County.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to sign the contract with Harter Disposal for the next five years.  This will take effect on January 1, 2023.  Motion carried.

Chairman/Supervisor Reports:

·         Moon Road/Shimek culvert has been replaced.

·         Park Road culverts and resettings have been completed.

·         On September 19, 2022, the Maguire cattle pass culvert will be replaced and a failing culvert on West Sugar Bush Road will be replaced.

·         The proposed new public access trail in the Bayside subdivision was discussed.  The owners of Lot 1 presented a preliminary outline of the possible new access trail.  The next procedure will be with the surveyor.

Several Bayside residents present at the meeting brought to the Board’s attention regarding several incidents involving target shooting and noise disturbances relating to fire arms discharges in the subdivision.  After Board discussion, a letter will be drafted and sent to the responsible party outlining the Town’s ordinance regarding shooting ranges.

Board discussion regarding safety hazards on Halder Drive.  The Town was informed by their insurance carrier that if any accidents would occur, the Town would be liable.  No formal Board action was taken.

Preliminary budget discussion included proposed additional receipts and major expenditures for 2023.  The Clerk will have a proposed budget for the Board at the October meeting.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the next meeting date for October 11, 2022 at 7:00 P.M.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:18 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 13, 2022, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of August 9, 2022 meeting.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Clerk’s communications and reports.

6.       Review and approve garbage and recycling contract with Harter’s.

7.       Chairman and Supervisors reports.

·                    Road project updates.

·                    Remaining projects for 2022.

8.       South Bayside access road.

9.       Bayside subdivision nuisance complaints.

10.    Board discussion and action to resolve safety issue on Halder Drive.

11.    Budget discussion for 2023.

12.    Public comments.

13.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative: October 11, 2022.

14.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Open Book – September 20 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM.

                      September 21 from 4:00 – 7:00 PM.


Board of Review:  September 28 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM






August 9, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 6:05 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Nick Achtermeier, Doug and Sue Diethert, Cathy and Jerry Mau, George Spindler, Mike Hafner, Jim Kurtzweil, and Ben Nechuta  

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Rob Clint to approve the printed minutes of the July 12, 2022 Town Board meeting, and July 26, 2022 Special Town Board Meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for August 2022.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18096 through 18116, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         The following building permit was issued:  Twin B Dairy – used grain bins.

·         The Clerk will send the completed report to Marathon County for the Badger Road culvert cost-share project.  An invoice will be sent to the Town of Mosinee for their portion of the cost.

·         The culvert replacement on Moon Road (Shimek) is scheduled so the work and paperwork can be forwarded to Marathon County before the September 1 deadline.

There are three proposals submitted for garbage and recyclable pickup for the next five years.


                                                                    GFL          Harter’s           Waste Management

Monthly Garbage Rate Per Household:     $13.65          $12.00                   $13.25

Weekly Recyclable Pick Up                       10.35              7.30                     No Proposal

Semi-Weekly Recyclable Pick Up                7.65              6.50                       5.00


After Board discussion, it was decided to remain with the present weekly pickup of both garbage and recyclables.  A motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to accept the proposal of Harter’s for $19.30 per month per household for a five-year contract.  Motion carried.


Town Assessor, Jim Kurtzweil, explained the reassessment process.  Reassessment is mandated by the State Department of Revenue if the assessment level falls below 90% for a three-year period.  If reassessment would not have been done in 2022, the Town of Emmet would have been under 80%.  Kurtzweil answered numerous questions.  He will have two open book sessions (September 20 and September 21).  The Board of Review will meet September 28, 2022.

Doug and Sue Diethert, residents of South Bayside Subdivision, presented a preliminary proposal for relocating the public access road that borders their property.  They have contacted several Bayside subdivision residents and there is support for this proposal.  Further legal matters will have to be resolved before any relocation of the access road can occur.  There will be more discussion on this item at the September meeting.

Public Comments:  - Town Resident, Mike Hafner.

The next regular Town Board meeting will be Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Halder Community Hall. 

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:10 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town of Emmet Residents

Notice of Open Book

Town of Emmet, Marathon County


Pursuant to s70.45 Wisconsin Statutes, the Assessment Roll for the year 2022 assessment will be open for examination on September 20, 2022 from 1:00 – 4:00 P.M, and September 21, 2022 from 4:00 – 7:00 PM at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  The assessor will be available to answer questions on assessments.  Informational material will be provided at the open book to persons who wish to object to valuations under s70.47 Wisconsin Statutes.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald





Notice of the Board of Review

For the

Town of Emmet, Marathon County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Town of Emmet of Marathon County, Wisconsin, will meet on September 28, 2022, from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board.

No person will be allowed to appear before the Board of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board.

The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board’s Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board shall waive the requirement during the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive the requirement up to the end of the fifth day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first two hours of the first scheduled meeting.

Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Review within the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to the end of the fifith day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days.  The Board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question.  Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land.  No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property.  The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.

When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the peron’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.  The Town of Emmet has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.  The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s.19.35(1), Wis. Stats.

The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability.  No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of an assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a), Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, August 9, 2022, @ 6:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of July 12, 2022, and July 26, 2022, meetings.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Open garbage and recyclable proposals, and Board action to accept a proposal for the next five-year garbage and recyclable pick up.

6.       Jim Kurtzweil.

7.       Doug and Sue Diethelm.

8.       Clerk’s communications and reports.

9.       Approve application to Marathon County for Badger Road culvert project.

10.    Chairman and Supervisors reports.

·                    Road project updates.

·                    Other.

11.    Public comments.

12.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative: September 13, 2022.

13.    Adjourn.



                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






July 12, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Jim Maguire, Kevin Maguire, Jacob Langenhahn, Ben Nechuta, Bryan Michlig, Karl Kurtzweil, Adam & Jared from Mosinee Fire District, and Al McHugh.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the June 14, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for July 2022.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18080 through 18095, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         The following building permits were issued – Jon Raatz – large shed and Brent Anderson – smaller storage shed.

·         The fall primary election will be on Tuesday, August 9.  Polls open 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.

·         Marathon County Eastern and Western Towns Association joint meeting will be Thursday, July 28, 2022 at Rib River Ballroom.

·         Doug Schoenfuss, Town of Emmet First Responder/Coordinator, has applied for a grant.  If received the grant would provide funds for equipment for the first responders.

·         The Clerk will prepare a proposal for garbage and recyclable pickup.  A special meeting will be scheduled to approve the proposal and forward to the various garbage companies.

County Board Supervisor Jacob Langenhahn, Town of Emmet Ward 2, outlined the major issues that the County Board has been considering.  Mr. Langenhahn answered several questions from the Board and audience.

Jim & Kevin Maguire, were present at the meeting in regard to procedures that took place in 1993 regarding possible road widening and culvert replacements.  The Clerk read extensive minutes from those proceedings, and the result was that there was no written agreement with the Maguire Family regarding sale of right-of-way.  Consequently, the road remained a three-rod road and new culverts were installed at that time.  It was agreed that because this was many years ago and statutes of limitations have long expired on any possible transactions, the matter is closed.  The cattle pass located on Big Eau Pleine Park Road will be replaced with a smaller culvert and the old culvert is the property of the Maguire family.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve operator’s license for Savannah Furcho.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to authorize the ATC payment for highway projects.  Motion carried.

Chairman and Supervisors’ Report:

·         Three culverts on the Eau Pleine Park Road were replaced today (July 12).  A larger culvert will be installed when the contractor is available.

·         The large culvert located on Moon Road will also be replaced this year (2022).  An order will be placed with the Town’s vendor.

Adam Grahn, Fire Chief of the Mosinee Fire District, and Jared were on hand to explain the proposal on EMS license downgrade.  This is necessary because of the difficulty of staffing advanced level EMS providers.  This is not a permanent downgrade.  As soon as staffing levels permit, the Mosinee Fire District will be upgrading back to an AEMT level surface.

Public Comments:  - Town Resident, Al McHugh.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to set the next meeting date for Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM at the Town of Emmet Town Garage.  Motion carried.  Change due to election on August 9.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:42 P.M.




                                                                                                                                                Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





A special Town Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Meldon Maguire, on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage.  Town Board members present were Meldon Maguire, Tyler Dahlke, Rob Clint, and Gerald W. Fitzgerald.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve the format for request for proposals to the garbage companies for garbage and recyclable pickup.  Motion carried.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to authorize the Clerk to send the proposals to GFL, Harters, and Waste Management.  Motion carried.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 12, 2022, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.       Call Meeting to Order.

2.       Approve minutes of June 14, 2022 meeting.

3.       Treasurer’s report.

4.       Approve payment of bills, electronic payments, and wages.

5.       Clerk’s communications and reports.

6.       Approve operator’s license for Savannah Furcho.

7.       Amend budget to designate ATC payment for highway projects.

8.       Mosinee Fire Chief, Adam Grahn.

9.       Chairman and Supervisors reports.

·                    Road project updates.

·                    Future projects discussion.

10.    Kevin Maguire.

11.    Discussion on RFP for garbage and recycling contract.

12.    Website update.

13.    Public comments.

14.    Set time, date, and place for the next meeting: Possible meeting date change, August 10, 2022.

15.    Adjourn.





                                                                      Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






June 14, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Cory Christian, Kevin Maguire, Deb Brooks, Doug Schoenfuss, Rich Wentzel, Bryan Michlig.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the May 10, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for June 2022.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18055 through 18079, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         The following building permits were issued – Dave Polzin – shed, Kenneth Fischer – shed, Tyler Dahlke – house remodel (windows and siding), and Francis Martin – shed/barn.

Doug Schoenfuss, first responder/director for the Town of Emmet, explained a grant that he will be applying for.  If the Town receives the grant, the monies will be used for supplies and equipment for the first responders. 

Cory Christian, Town of Emmet resident living on Hillwood Road, brought to the Board’s attention an ongoing situation with neighboring non-feral cats coming on his property.  They are on his patio furniture and boat.  Mr. Christian has made numerous attempts to get the neighbors to keep their cats at home, with no success.  After a lengthy Board discussion, there is no ordinance regarding cats as opposed to dogs.  The original covenant has expired regarding this situation.  The Board will attempt to find a solution in the present zoning ordinance under a nuisance statute.

Debra Brooks, sales representative for Ryder Trucks, gave a brief outline to the Board regarding their companies procedures for leasing trucks.  She answered several questions from the Board members.  No action was taken.

Kevin Maguire requested from the Board information regarding the purchase of right-of-way and culvert installation on Moon Road in 1993.  According to Maguire, there are issues from that year that have not been fully resolved.  The Clerk will research on this and have a presentation for the Board at the July meeting.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the liquor licenses for Safari Bar & Grill and Rock Ridge Orchard.  Motion carried.

Chairman and Supervisors’ Report:

·         The Badger Road culvert was replaced.  The Clerk will forward the cost sharing application with Marathon County.  The Town of Mosinee will be contacted for the cost of their portion.

·         The culvert replacement on the Eau Pleine Park Road will be scheduled tentatively for July 2022.

·         The Board approved temporary culverts for the Eau Pleine Park Road for the Maguire Logging project.  After the logging is completed, the gravel will be removed and the ditches cleaned.

Rich Wentzel, had concerns about the Town website.  The server will be contacted to determine the cause of the problems. 

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the next meeting date for Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:43 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





May 10, 2022


Town of Emmet Board of Review


The Board of Review for the Town of Emmet for 2022 was called to order on the above date by Chairman Maguire at 7:00 PM.  The meeting was held at the Halder Community Hall.  Roll call vote – Meldon Maguire, present; Tyler Dahlke, present; Rob Clint, present; Jerry Fitzgerald, present; Mike Maguire, present.  Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Rob Clint to adjourn the Board of Review to September 28, 2022.  Motion carried.  All – Ayes.


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:07 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Bryan Michlig, and Dave Wagener, Edgar Fire Chief.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the April 12, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for May 2022.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 18035 through 18054, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         The following building permits were issued – Sharon Bickford, house residing and new windows; Bryan Erbst, small shed/chicken coop; Jeff & Tammy Fischer, new residence and attached garage; and Rock Ridge Orchard, large shed. 

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the issuing of beer permits to the Halder Community Club for the summer events.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to approve the ordinance providing for temporary appointments to Town offices in cases of illness or temporary absences by Town officials.  Motion carried.

Lakes Asphalt Maintenance presented a bid of $5,057 for repairs to bridge approaches in the Town.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to accept the bid.  Motion carried.  Ben will be contacted when work begins.

Dave Wagener, Edgar Fire Chief, attended the meeting.  He thanked the Town Board for their efforts.  He gave a brief report on the fire department and mentioned the problem of getting enough fire fighters and EMTs.

Chairman and Supervisors’ Report:

·         Breaker rock and new gravel were installed on Springbrook Road. 

·         A representative from Marathon County will be contacted to determine the sizes of the culverts needed on the Eau Pleine Park Road.  A road counter will be put in to determine the percentage of traffic.  That percentage will be the base of the cost share portion with the County.

·         Deerbush Road and Hillwood Road will be graveled, using last year’s bid from Red Rock Granite.

·         Briar Road will be reconstructed with breaker rock and other material before gravel is applied.

·         The culvert replacement on Badger Road will be scheduled when the contractor is available.

·         Town employees expressed the need to the Board for two-way radios to help with communications when working on various projects.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Clint to authorize purchase of these radios.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the next meeting date for Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:28 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


March 8, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Supervisor Tyler Dahlke at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI. 

Present were Town Board members Meldon Maguire, Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald.  Also present were Ben Nechuta, Mike Hafner, Jean Bohman, Mitch Maguire, and Sandi Cihlar.

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the February 15, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for March 2022.  There were no major bills to report on.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 17990 through 18008, wages, and payments made electronically.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to authorize the clerk to advertise for gravel bids and dust control bids.  These will be opened at the April meeting.  Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         No building permits issued. 

·         The Board received a notice from the assessor regarding open book and Board of Review dates.  Due to the re-evaluation, the open book and Board of Review will not be until September 2022.

·         The Clerk reported on a meeting with the Marathon County Infrastructure committee regarding permits for companies installing fiber optic cables in the ditches.  The County has their own permitting schedule.  It will be up to the Towns to decide if they want to write permits for this and the charge.

·         The annual letter from Marathon County Highway Department was received.

·         An address sign has been requested for Jeff & Tammy Fischer.

·         A letter was received from Foley Tree Removal from Tomahawk for overweight permits.  No action taken.

·         The spring election will be Tuesday, April 5, 2022.  Polls are open from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.

Chairman and Supervisors’ Report:

·         Supervisor Dahlke researched the cost for a new salt/gravel shed.  He presented those numbers to the Board.  This was information only.  A decision on this structure will be made on a future date.

·         The Board discussed the possibility of digitalizing Town records.  The Historical Society of Wisconsin has guidelines for this procedure.  The Clerk mentioned that some records have to be retained forever.  No action taken.

Mike Hafner and Jean Bohman, residents of Pelican Bay Drive, outlined to the Board their concerns and frustrations with the continued illegal activity of nails being thrown on Pelican Bay Drive.  Surveillance cameras will be strategically placed, and residents are urged to continue to contact Marathon County Sheriff’s Department when nails are found.  A Marathon County Sheriff’s Officer has been assigned to this case.  After much discussion, the consensus is that there is no easy and legal solution to this problem.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to go into closed session, pursuant to Wis. Statute 19.85(1).  Roll call vote:  all ayes

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to return to open session.  Roll call vote:  all ayes.

Town of Green Valley Supervisor, Mitch Maguire, joined the meeting and expressed his opinions on the criminal activity occurring on Pelican Bay Drive.  It was noted that when this first started, the nails were limited to the Green Valley portion of the road, however, recently nails have been found all the way to Highway S.

County Board Supervisor, Sandi Cihlar, highlighted the Infrastructure Committee discussions on the County Highway permitting process concerning fiber optic cable installation.  She urged all residents to take the internet speed test for internet availability. 

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to set the next meeting date for Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:44 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


February 15, 2022


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Supervisor Tyler Dahlke at 6:01 pm.  The meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI. 

Present were Town Board members Rob Clint, Tyler Dahlke, Mike Maguire, and Jerry Fitzgerald. 

Motion by Rob Clint, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the January 11, 2022 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for February 2022.  His report included a detailed summary of tax collections and levy payments.  Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 17962 through 17989, wages, and levy payments.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to approve the yearly payment to the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands for the truck payment.   Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:

·         No building permits issued. 

·         The Clerk reminded the Board of the Board of Review training on Saturday, February 19, 2022.  All Board members are registered.

·         The monthly garbage charges have increased due to the consumer price index.  The monthly charge per household for garbage and recycling is now $15.12.

·         The Clerk gave a review of the BIL appropriation from the Federal Government.

Chairman and Supervisors’ report:

·         Supervisor Dahlke had comments regarding ATVs. 

·         Supervisor Dahlke reported on an informal meeting he attended regarding county-wide EMS service.

·         Possible projects for the use of the ARPA money was discussed.  The Board agrees that this money should be used for Town Hall projects.  At this time, there are no plans to spend this money on road projects, although that would be allowed.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke set the next meeting date for Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Town of Emmet Town Garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by Clint, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  7:24 P.M.








Town Board Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

August 10, 2020





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of July 14, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and report.

6.        Chairman and supervisors reports.

a)    Highway updates.

b)    Remaining 2020 highway projects.

c)    Miscellaneous items for discussion.

7.        Possible uses for Routes to Recovery Program funds.

8.        Public comments.

9.            Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – September 8, 2020.

10.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Primary election – Tuesday, August 11, 2020.  Polls open – 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.



Town Board Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

July 14, 2020

Annual Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. following Town Board Meeting





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of June 9, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages.

5.        Clerk’s communication and report.

6.        Chairman and supervisors reports.

a)    Graveling and dust control update.

b)    ATV signs installation report.

c)    METCO report.

d)    Employee cell phone.

e)    Public access road – Section 31.

f)     Remaining 2020 highway projects.

7.        Possible discussion items for annual meeting.

8.        Date for Hall sanitation prior to election.

9.        Public comments.

10.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – Date Change Due to Election,

11.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Marathon County Eastern and Western Towns and Villages Association Joint Meeting – Thursday, July 30, 2020 @ 7:00 P.M. at Rib River Ballroom. 


Edgar Area Tanker Association Postponed Meeting Rescheduled for Tuesday, August 4, 2020 @ 8:00 P.M. at Edgar Fire Station.












JULY 14, 2020  7:00 P. M.








Town Board Meeting

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

June 9, 2020





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of May 11, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages.

5.        Clerk’s report.

6.        Chairman and supervisors reports.

a)    Updates on road graveling

b)    ATV signs installation.

c)    METCO report.

d)    Other highway issues.

7.        Approval of liquor licenses for Safari Bar & Grill and Rock Ridge Orchard.

8.        Discussion on possible ordinance for junk vehicles.

9.        Determine date for postponed annual meeting.

10.      Public comments.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – July 14, 2020.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







May 11, 2020


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire at 7:14 pm.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee.  The meeting was held on Monday due to the May 12, 2020 election.

Present were all Town Board members.  Also present were Ben Nechuta and Will Litzer.

Motion by Mike Baumann, second by Tyler Dahlke to approve the printed minutes of the April 14, 2020 Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for May 2020.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to approve payment of bills with check numbers 17523 through 17542, wages, and bills paid online.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported the necessary safety measures for the May 12, 2020 election will be in place.  The Bureau of Land Commissioners has approved the application for the loan of $150,000.  Treasurer Maguire will deposit the check upon receipt. 

Chairman Maguire reported on a communication from Dr. Michael McManus regarding his plan for clearing brush and tall grass on his newly purchased property in the Bayside Subdivision.  This area also includes a public access road that was made part of the surveying plot when this subdivision was created.  Marathon County Shoreland Regulations will have to be followed for any work near the shoreline.  McManus had concerns about the neighboring property where a large shed is located.  The Board discussed a project by the Halder Community Club regarding blacktopping the area adjacent to the concession stand.  At this meeting date, the new Town truck is on order and delivery expected within 30 days.

Chairman Maguire reported that METCO will be digging several test holes in the vicinity of the ball park within the next week.  The Town will furnish a temporary driveway for access for their drilling equipment.  Ben reported there are some culverts that need attention.  Because of budgetary concerns, most major culvert projects will be postponed until next year unless there is immediate necessity to replace.  Some ATV signs will be placed on the same posts as the Town of Emmet zoning signs.  Before the remainder of the ATV signs can be placed, diggers hotline will need to be contacted.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to approve beer permits and operators’ licenses for the Halder Community Club for the summer events at the ballpark.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to amend the budget to designate the ATC payment for highway expenses.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion, no date was set for the Annual Meeting.  A final decision will need to be made at the June meeting depending upon guidelines set forth by the Towns Association.

The next regular Town Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2020 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:43 P.M.




                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

May 11, 2020





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of April 14, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages.

5.        Clerk’s report.

6.        Chairman and supervisors reports.

a)    Report from METCO.

b)    ATV signs installation.

c)    Other highway.

7.        Approval of beer permits and operator licenses for Halder Community Club.

8.        Amend budget to designate ATC payment for highway uses.

9.        Determine date for postponed annual meeting.

10.      Public comments.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – June 9, 2020.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Special Congressional Election – Tuesday, May 12, 2020.  Polls open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.




Town Board Meeting

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

April 14, 2020





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of March 10, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages.

5.        Approve payment of Edgar Tanker Association assessment.

6.        Clerk’s report.

7.        Chairman and supervisors reports.

8.        Approve bid for gravel and dust control for 2020.

9.        Approve bid for TRIP project.

10.      Board action on timetable for loan disbursement from Board of Commissioners of public land.

11.      Determine date for postponed annual meeting.

12.      Public comments – Due to Governor Evers edict prohibiting gatherings of more than ten people, public comments will be suspended for this meeting.  If anyone has a non-agenda concern, contact Chairman Maguire before the meeting.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – If May 12 election is held as regularly scheduled, date for the next Town Board Meeting will need to be changed to May 11 or 13, 2020.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Open Book session will be held – Monday, April 20, 2020 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.


Board of Review will be held – Monday, April 27, 2020 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM.


Marathon County Western Towns & Villages Association April 2020 meeting is cancelled.


Town of Emmet Annual Meeting for April 21, 2020 will most likely be postponed until a later date (sometime in May).


Special congressional election – May 12, 2020.  (WHO KNOWS)!  Voters who have an application for an absentee ballot on file will be sent a ballot.








Town of Emmet Board of Absentee Ballot Canvassers

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive

Mosinee, WI 54455





Monday, April 13, 2020 @ 4:00 PM.


In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 7.52 and 7.53(m) and pursuant to the order of the United States District Court Judge, William M. Conley dated April 2, 2020, the Town of Emmet Board of Absentee Ballot Canvassers will convene on the date and time indicated above to canvass the April 7, 2020 Preferential Preference and Spring Election absentee ballots.


Handicapped entrance available at rear entrance of the hall.




Town Board Meeting

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

March 10, 2020





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of February 11, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages.

5.        Clerk’s report.

6.        Chairman and supervisors reports.

7.        Authorize Clerk to publish bids for gravel & dust control.

8.        Joe Stolarczk – Titan Properties.

9.        Board action to approve borrowing from Bureau of Land Commissioners for financing truck purchase.

10.      Public comments.

11.      Motion to go to closed session.  State Statute 19.85(1).

12.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative April 14, 2020.

13.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Public test for voting equipment tentative March 30, 2020.


Spring election – Tuesday, April 7, 2020.  Polls open 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.





Town Board Meeting

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of January 14, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting and Planning Commission Hearing.

3.        Treasurer’s report and tax collection summary report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages, levy payments, and fire & ambulance charges for Edgar Fire Department and Fire charges for Marathon City Fire Department.

5.        Clerk’s report.

6.        Approve Operator’s license for Julie Knetter.

7.        Chairman and Supervisors reports.

8.        Finalize truck purchase and outfitting costs.

9.        Discussion on truck financing.

10.      Adoption of County ATV/UTV ordinance for the Town of Emmet

11.      Discussion on employee hiring.

12.      Public comments.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative March 10, 2020.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Spring Primary Election is Tuesday, February 18, 2020.  Polls open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.



Town Board Meeting

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of January 14, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting and Planning Commission Hearing.

3.        Treasurer’s report and tax collection summary report.

4.        Approve payment of bills & wages, levy payments, and fire & ambulance charges for Edgar Fire Department and Fire charges for Marathon City Fire Department.

5.        Clerk’s report.

6.        Approve Operator’s license for Julie Knetter.

7.        Chairman and Supervisors reports.

8.        Finalize truck purchase and outfitting costs.

9.        Discussion on truck financing.

10.      Adoption of County ATV/UTV ordinance for the Town of Emmet

11.      Discussion on employee hiring.

12.      Public comments.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative March 10, 2020.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Spring Primary Election is Tuesday, February 18, 2020.  Polls open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.



Town of Emmet Planning Commission Hearing @ 7:00 P.M, Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Immediately following the Planning Commission Hearing

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of December 10, 2019 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages for January.

5.        Clerk’s report.

6.        Approve financial statement for 2019.

7.        Board action on Planning Commission recommendation

8.        Chairman report.

9.        Supervisor reports.

10.      Discussion on employee hiring.

11.      Board discussion and possible action on capital purchase.

12.      Timetable for ATV/UTV implementation.

13.      Public comments.

14.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative February 11, 2020.

15.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon County Western Towns and Village Association meeting, Thursday, January 30, 2020 @ Town of Rib Mountain.  Lunch at 6:15 P.M., and Meeting @ 7:00 P.M.




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 10, 2019, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of November 12, 2019 Regular Town Board Meeting and Special Town Elector Meeting.

3.        Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages for December.

5.        Clerk’s Communications and year-end financial update.

6.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    ATV updates.

b.    Discussion on capital purchase.

c.    Year-end updates and newsletter items.

7.        Authorize payment of Rural Insurance premium on January 1, 2020.

8.        Appointment of election workers for 2020-2021 term.

9.        Decision on membership in 2020 Town Advocacy Council (WTA).

10.      Public comments.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative January 14, 2020.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







Public Hearing on Proposed 2020 Budget, Tuesday, November 12, 2019 @ 7:00 PM

Hearing will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Present Proposed 2020 expenditures and receipts.

3.        Comments, Questions on items within the budget.

4.        Adjourn the Budget Hearing


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Special Town Elector Meeting to approve the proposed 2020 Budget and Levy,

Following the Public Hearing


1.        Call Special Town Meeting to order.

2.            Discussion and action to adopt the 2020 budget and levy.

3.            Adjourn.


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

November 12, 2019 immediately following Special Town Elector Meeting



1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of regular Town Board Meeting of October 8, 2019.

3.        Treasurer’s report and motion to approve.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages as presented.

5.        Clerk’s communications and building permits.

6.        Authorize Clerk to purchase computer and software.

7.        Approve 2020 budget and levy as adopted at Special Town Meeting.

8.        Chairman and Supervisors reports

a.    End of year highway report and possible projects for 2020.

b.    Culvert replacement issues.

9.        Discussion and possible Board action on ATV/UTV ordinance.

10.      Finalize agreement with Town of Green Valley for storage shed usage.

11.      Discussion on capital purchase and financing.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative – December 10, 2019 @ 7:00 P.M.

14.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





A public hearing on the proposed 2020 budget will be held, November 12, 2019, at 7:00 P.M., in the Town of Emmet Town Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.


Notice is also given that immediately after the budget hearing a special town meeting will be called for the following purpose:


To adopt the 2020 town tax levy and 2020 budget pursuant to section 60.10 of the state statutes.


The budget in detail is available from the Clerk.


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held following the special Town Meeting, also being held at the Town of Emmet Town Garage.


By order of the Town Board, Town of Emmet


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          


Summary of Budget Proposal



2018 Actual

2019 (1/1/19-9/30/19)

Proposed 2020

Taxes-Property MFL




Intergovernmental Revenue




2% Fire Dues




ATC Payment




Licenses and Permits




Highway Materials








Garbage and Recycling




Rent, Escrow, Misc.




TRIP Grant




Cost Share (County & State)











2018 Actual

2019 (1/1/19-9/30/19)

Proposed 2020

General Government




Public Safety




Public Works












Garbage and Recycling








Capital Outlay









Balance 1/1/2019-$177,923.98




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 8, 2019 @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of September 10, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages for October.

5.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

6.        Chairman’s report.

7.        Supervisors’ report.

8.        Doug Schoenfuss – First Responders

9.        Marathon County Solid Waste Department proposal.

10.     Fire Protection for 2020.

11.     Mitch Maguire, Town of Green Valley.

12.     Finalize 2020 Budget Proposal.

13.     Discussion on ATV/UTV Implementation.

14.     Public comments.

15.        Set date and time for Budget Hearing, Town Elector Meeting, and regular Town Board Meeting – tentative November 12, 2019.

16.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 10, 2019 @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of August 13, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages for September.

5.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

6.        Approve beer permit and operator licenses for Halder Sportsman Club.

7.        Approver operator licenses for Terry and Nadine Kaiser.

8.        Chairman’s report.

9.        Supervisor report.

10.     Highway project updates.

a.    Culvert replacements and cost.

b.    Report on year-to-date road graveling.

c.    Other highway concerns.

11.     Board action on opening Town roads for ATV/UTV usage and schedule for implementation.

12.     Discussion on 2020 budget.

13.     Public comments.

14.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative October 8, 2019.

15.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




August 13, 2019


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire @ 7:00 P.M.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee.

Present were all Town Board members.  Also present Ted Knoeck, Paul Leezer, Steve Haas, Karl Kurtzweil, Bryan Michlig, Ron Baumann, Tom Knetter, Bruce Baur, Mike Karlen, Larry Lang, Bob Springer, Ron Mroczenski, Gerald and Kathy Mau, Steve Baur, Will Litzer.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Mike Baumann to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2019 Planning Commission hearing and regular Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for August 2019.  Payroll and regular monthly bills will be paid on-line.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

Bills with check numbers 17351 through 17378 and on-line payment bills were presented for approval.  Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to approve payment.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported there were no building permits issued since the last meeting.  The latest population estimate for the Town of Emmet is 950.  The latest numbers on the ATV survey are 126 YES, 35 NO, one NO RESPONSE.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve payment of dues for 2019-2020 for the Marathon County Towns and Villages Association.  Motion carried.

Mosinee Fire Department Chief Steve Haas presented an outline of his Department’s coverages, billing procedures, and mutual aid protocols.  He gave a detailed explanation of the MABUS system that most fire departments in Marathon County are part of.  He answered numerous questions from the audience concerning ambulance and fire coverage.

Paul Leezer, DNR Conservation Warden, explained rules and regulation enforcement for ATV/UTV usage on municipal roads.  ATV/UTV enforcement and procedures are regulated by Chapter 23 State Statutes.

Ted Knoeck, Marathon County Sheriff’s Department, gave a detailed outline of law enforcement regarding ATV/UTV ordinances.  Although the Sheriff’s Department is the primary enforcement agency for these ordinances, they do not have the manpower or the time to respond to every call concerning violations.  Local municipalities are going to be responsible for ATV/UTV enforcement.  Mr. Knoeck and Mr. Leezer responded to numerous questions and concerns from the Town residents present.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to proceed with implementation of ATV/UTV usage on the Town of Emmet roads.  Motion carried.  Formal Board action to open Town Roads will take place at a later meeting.

Chairman and Supervisor Reports:

·         Major culvert replacements have been completed.  Paperwork will be sent to Marathon County Highway Department.

·         Depending upon weather conditions, no major dust control application is planned.

·         TRIP Program will be planned for 2020.

·         Complaint received regarding excess speed of garbage trucks on Holstein Road.

·         Broken window in Town Hall will be replaced.  Sheriff’s report filed on this act of vandalism.

The next regular Town Board meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 @ 7:00 PM. Halder Community Hall.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time: 9:16 P.M.



                                                                                                                                                Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, August 13, 2019 @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




16.     Call Meeting to order.

17.     Approve Minutes of July 9, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting and Town Board Meeting.

18.     Approve Treasurer’s report.

19.     Approve payment of bills and wages for August.

20.     Approve payment for dues for Marathon County Towns Association.

21.     Clerk’s Communications and reports.

22.     Board discussion and public input on opening Town Roads for ATV/UTV use.

23.     Possible Board decision on #7 above.

24.     Chairman’s report.

25.     Supervisor report.

26.     Highway project updates.

a.    Culvert replacements.

b.    Road graveling schedule.

c.    Possible schedule for 2020 road projects.

27.     Other public comments.

28.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative September 10, 2019.

29.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

Immediately Following the Planning Commission Hearing

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of June 11, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages for July.

5.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

6.        Board action on recommendation from Planning Commission.

7.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Culvert replacement schedule.

b.    Graveling updates and future schedule.

c.    Dust control application schedule.

d.    Status of TRIP program.

8.        Report on ATV survey results and agenda for August meeting.

9.        Discussion on communication regarding comprehensive plan update.

10.     Scheduled seminars

a.    Invasive species on road sides – Amherst – July 23 – 9:00-3:00.

b.    PASER and WISLR – Weston – August 1 – 8:00 – 3:30

11.     Public comments.

12.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative August 13, 2019.

13.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee to consider the following items:


1.       Rezone from Ag1 to RS1 the following parcel in the Town of Emmet, Section31 R27-05: PT of S 1/2 SW FRL 1/4, Lot 1 CSM Volume 34 PG 76 8698 (DOC 1054013), 10.80 acres.


2.       Rezone from Ag1 to RS1 the following parcel in the Town of Emmet, Section31 R27-05: PT of FRL S 1/2 SW 1/4, Lot 1 CSM Volume 25 PG 33 6633 (DOC 957993), 2.63 acres.



                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Gerald Fitzgerald, Clerk




May 14, 2019


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Meldon Maguire @ 7:00 P.M.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present was Karl Kurtzweil, Bryan Michlig, Troy Bemke, Will Litzer, Ron Mroczenski, and Larry Lang.

Motion by Tyler Dahlke, second by Mike Baumann to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2019 regular Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Mike Maguire presented the financial report for May 2019.  His report included items for Board action and approval.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve the purchase of a laptop computer for the Treasurer’s office and close a bank account that is seldom used.  Motion carried.  Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve the Treasurer’s report for May.  Motion carried.

There were four building permits issued in April.  Wayne King – deck and porch renovation, Don Huber – garage addition, Steve Weber – new shed, and Joe Baumann – new siding on residence.  The Clerk reported that a zoning hearing will be scheduled for later this summer for rezoning properties in Section 31 on the south side of the Eau Pleine flowage.  In a discussion involving financial matters, additional revenue in 2019 will include two transportation aid payments – the August tax settlement and the shared revenue payment.

Chairman and Supervisory reports included the following: 

·         The Town of Cleveland will not be charged for the use of the reclaimer.

·         Culvert replacement and grading issues were discussed.

·         Town roads that will be graveled in the near future include – Schuette Road, Maple Grove Court Road, Balsam Road.

·         After culverts are replaced, Fairview Road and portions of Cardinal Lane will be graveled.

·         Burns Creek Road, formerly known as the Dump Road will not be closed.

·         No decision was made on repairing Emmet Road where the blacktop has broken up.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to authorize the Clerk to publish for bids for the TRIP project on Halder Drive, file applications for flood assistance for Brookfield Road culvert, and County Cost Share on Maple Leaf and Cardinal Lane culverts.  Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve the Assessor contract with James L. Kurtzweil.  The contract will be for three years for $10,500 per year for assessing.  Motion carried.

Troy Bemke provided the Board with photos showing the tree trimming and limbing on his property.  The Town had contracted with J.J. Brushing for this service.  Mr. Bemke was disappointed with the job that was done.  He stated that the brush cutter was not courteous and arrogant and had very little respect for Mr. Bemke’s property.

The Board discussed at length the possibility of allowing ATV/UTVs on Town of Emmet Roads.  Mr. Bemke presented the issues from a law enforcement standpoint.  The possibility of establishing an ordinance was also discussed.  Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to authorize the Clerk to put together a survey and send to all Town residents.  Motion carried.  After survey results have been analyzed, the Town Board will decide on further course of action.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to authorize the Clerk to issue beer permits to the Halder Community Club for the summer season.   Motion carried.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to designate the ATC payment to the highway budget.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion regarding the crack sealing and/or chip sealing of the remaining portion of Eau Pleine Park Road, it was decided to send a letter to the Town Chairs of Green Valley and Bergen to establish a date for a joint meeting regarding this project.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Baumann to approve payment of bills and wages as presented at the May meeting.  Motion carried.

The next regular Town Board meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Halder Community Hall.

Motion by Baumann, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:12 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of May 14, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Approve payment of bills and wages for June.

5.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

6.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Culvert replacement updates.

b.    Graveling updates and future schedule.

7.        Approve beer and liquor licenses for Safari Bar & Grill and Rock Ridge Orchard.

8.        Board discussion and action to replace culvert on Maple Leaf Road.

9.        Board discussion and action to replace culverts approved for County Cost Sharing.

10.     Public comments.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative July 9, 2019.

12.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of April 9, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Culvert replacement updates.

b.    Road conditions update.

c.    Burns Creek Road.

d.    Emmet Road.

6.        Troy Bemke

7.        Approve Assessor Contract.

8.        Authorize Clerk to issue beer permits to Halder Community Club for the summer season.

9.        Discussion and timetable for TRIP Grant.

10.     Discussion on ATVs on Town Roads.

11.     Amend budget to designate ATC payment to highway expenditures.

12.     Public comments.

13.     Approve payment of bills and wages for May.

14.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative June 11, 2019.

15.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Notice of the Board of Review

For the

Town of Emmet, Marathon County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Town of Emmet of Marathon County, Wisconsin, will meet on April 22, 2019 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board.

No person will be allowed to appear before the Board of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board.

The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board’s Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board shall waive the requirement during the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive the requirement up to the end of the fifth day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first two hours of the first scheduled meeting.

Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Review within the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to the end of the fifith day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days.  The Board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question.  Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land.  No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property.  The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.

When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the peron’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.  The Town of Emmet has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.  The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s.19.35(1), Wis. Stats.

The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability.  No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of an assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a), Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455




1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of March 12, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Equipment updates.

b.    Report on brush cutting.

6.        Oath of Office for new Town Board Officers.

7.        Ashley Thomer.

8.        Open gravel & dust control bids.

9.        Board action to award gravel & dust control bid.

10.     Dale-Northway Communications.

11.     Discussion on TRIP project.

12.     Approve payment of Edgar Area Tanker Association fee.

13.     Myranda Schwantes.

14.     2019 Annual Meeting plans.

15.     Public comments.

16.     Approve payment of bills and wages for April.

17.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative May 14, 2019.

18.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Election Results


Chairman:   Meldon Maguire – 194                               Treasurer:  Michael Maguire -238

                     Lisa Baur               - 115                                                  Will Litzer             - 67


Supervisor:  Mike Baumann - 150                                  Clerk:    Gerald W. Fitzgerald - 290

                      Tyler Dahlke     - 148

                      Wayne King      - 127

                      Ron Kusiak        - 127


Open Book for Board of Review – Monday, April 15, 2019 – 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM


Town of Emmet Annual Meeting – Tuesday, April 16, 2019 – 7:00 PM


Board of Review – Monday, April 22, 2019 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM


Marathon County Western Towns Association – Thursday, April 25, 2019 – 7:30 PM – Town of Mosinee.


Edgar Area Joint Township Tanker Meeting – Tuesday, May 7, 2019 – 8:00 PM – Edgar Fire Station.






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of February 12, 2019 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Spring highway issues.

b.    Equipment updates.

6.        Authorize Clerk to publish bids for gravel and dust control.

7.        Annual meeting 2019 plans.

8.        Public comments.

9.        Approve payment of bills and wages and levy payments for March.

10.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting,

11.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Public test for election equipment – Monday, March 25, 2019.


Spring election – Tuesday, April 2, 2019.  Polls open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.







Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of January 8, 2019 Regular Town Board Meeting and Caucus.

3.        Approve Treasurer and Tax Collection reports.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Highway concerns.

6.        Approve dates for open book (April 15, 2019) and Board of Review (April 22, 2019).

7.        Approve payment for fire and ambulance services from Edgar Volunteer Fire Department for 2019, and fire services from Marathon for 2019.

8.        Discussion and Board action on pay increases for election workers.

9.        Discussion and Board action on joining the Town Advocacy Council.

10.      Public comments.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages and levy payments for February.

12.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative March 12, 2019.

13.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 8, 2019,

Immediately following Caucus

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of December 11, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

6.        Approve 2018 Financial Report and Audit.

7.        Approval of ambulance contract with Mosinee Fire Department,  and fire and ambulance contract with Stratford Area Fire Department

8.        Approve registration for Town Officials for Wisconsin Towns Association Spring workshops.

9.        Zoning concerns.

10.      Public comments.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages and levy payments for January.

12.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative February 12, 2019.

13.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town of Emmet


The TOWN OF EMMET Caucus for nominating candidates for the April 2, 2019 election will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 @ 7:00 P.M.  The caucus will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Candidates will be nominated for the following offices:  Town Chairperson, Town Supervisors (2), Town Treasurer, and Town Clerk.  Terms of office will begin on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 for a two-year term.






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 11, 2018, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of November13, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting and Special Town Elector Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Update on highway and equipment.

b.    Other concerns.

6.        Authorize payment of Rural Insurance premium on January 1, 2019.

7.        Set date, time, and place for nominating caucus for Spring 2019 election.

8.        Review the year of 2018 and publishing of annual report.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages for December.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative January 8, 2019.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Public Hearing on Proposed 2019 Budget, Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 7:00 P.M.

Town of Emmet Town Garage

135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI



1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Present Proposed 2019 expenditures and receipts.

3.        Comments, Questions on items within the budget.

4.        Adjourn the Budget Hearing


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Special Town Elector Meeting to approve the proposed 2019 Budget,

Following the Public Hearing


1.        Call Special Town Meeting to order.

2.            Discussion and public comments on proposed 2019 budget.

3.        Motion to adopt proposed 2019 budget.

4.            Adjourn.


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

November 13, 2018 immediately following Special Town Elector Meeting



1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of regular Town Board Meeting of October 9, 2018, and Special Town Board Meeting of October 30, 2018.

3.        Treasurer’s report and motion to approve.

4.        Clerk’s communications and building permits.

5.        Approve 2019 budget as adopted at Special Town Meeting.

6.        Highway updates.

a.    Brush and tree cutting update.

b.    Dump road cleanup.

c.     Salt and sand inventory update.

7.        Discussion on communication from Kevin Lang (Marathon County Highway Department).

8.        Board action to approve sale of old address posts and signs.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

11.      Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative – December 11, 2018 @ 7:00 P.M.

12.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





A public hearing on the proposed 2019 budget will be held, November 13, 2018, at 7:00 P.M., in the Town of Emmet Town Garage, 135103 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.


Notice is also given that immediately after the budget hearing a special town meeting will be called for the following purpose:


To adopt the 2019 town tax levy and 2019 budget pursuant to section 60.10 of the state statutes.


The budget in detail is available from the Clerk.


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held following the special Town Meeting, also being held at the Town of Emmet Town Garage.


By order of the Town Board, Town of Emmet


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          


Summary of Budget Proposal



2017 Actual

2018 (1/1/18-9/30/18)

Proposed 2019

Taxes-Property MFL




Intergovernmental Revenue




2% Fire Dues




ATC Payment




Licenses and Permits




Highway Materials








Garbage and Recycling




Rent, Escrow, Misc.




TRIP Grant











2017 Actual

2018 (1/1/18-9/30/18)

Proposed 2019

General Government




Public Safety




Public Works












Garbage and Recycling








Capital Outlay









Balance 1/1/2018---$138,578.96









October 30, 2018 Immediately Following Planning Commission Hearing

Halder Community Hall

135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455



1.        Call meeting to order.


2.        Public comments.


3.        Board action on recommendation from Planning Commission on Adam Koss request for conditional use permit.


4.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, at the Halder Community Hall, 135125 Halder Drive, Mosinee, to consider the following items:


Request by Adam Koss, Red Rock Granite, LLC, 214905 State Highway 107, Mosinee WI, for a Conditional Use Permit for non-metallic mining and reclamation of the following parcel:  1.77 acres adjacent to the present quarry on State Highway 107.  Part of SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 24 Township 27N Range 5E, Town of Emmet Marathon County.


                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Jerry Fitzgerald, Clerk



If you have any questions, call (715) 693.2847.  Detailed map of site will be available at the hearing.





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 9, 2018, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of September 11, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Highway project updates.

b.    Address changes.

6.        Board action to fill vacancy on Planning Commission.

7.        Approve election worker for November 6, 2018 election

8.        Board discussion and possible action on pay increases for Town employees.

9.        Approve preliminary budget for 2019 and set date for budget hearing and Town elector meeting.

10.      Planning commission hearing October 30, 2018?  Special Town Board Meeting to follow?

11.      Public comments.

12.      Approve payment of bills and wages for October.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative November 13, 2018.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





September 11, 2018


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Don Dahlke @ 7:00 P.M.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Will Litzer, Rick Weiler, Mayor Brent Jacobson, and Steve Haas.

Motion by Meldon Maguire, second by Wayne King to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2018 regular Town Board meeting.  Motion carried.  Shirley Dahlke presented the Treasurer’s report for September.  Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve.  Motion carried. 

There were two building permits issued:  Titan Properties – shed and Michael Hafner II. – new house.  There has been no indication from the Marathon County CPZ when the new address signs will be installed at the residences.


Highway issues - There are a few roads in the Town where the ditches need to be cleaned and a few driveway culverts need replacing because they are either plugged up or are too small.  Karl will coordinate with Dennis Spindler on these projects.  Brush cutting along the Eau Pleine Park Road still needs to be done.  This project is still in the works for this fall.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve the registration fee for the Wisconsin Towns Association Convention which will be held October 14 through October 16.  Motion carried.  The Clerk will send the registration and fee.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve a beer permit and operators’ licenses for the Halder Sportsman’s Club.  Motion carried.

Steve Haas and Mayor Brent Jacobson from the City of Mosinee were at the meeting to discuss the continued coverage for the Town of Emmet for ambulance service.  This contract expires December 2019.  Many other issues were discussed concerning fire protection, first responders, and costs of these services.  Haas and Jacobson expressed an interest in providing fire protection for the Town of Emmet that is now serviced by the Village of Marathon.  For the remainder of 2018 and the calendar year 2019, the Town of Emmet is contracted with the Village of Marathon for fire protection.  The Town of Emmet will renew its contract with the Mosinee Fire Department for ambulance service for that portion of the Town located east of Highway S.

Rick Weiler, owner of the property at 5297 County P, presented to the Board his proposals for renovating the structure at that address and possibly using it for a residence.  The Board explained that it is a nonconforming building and is in violation of the vision triangle on County Highways.  The Board explained to Mr. Weiler the Town of Emmet Zoning regarding this matter and state statutes that do apply.  Mr. Weiler suggested a few alternatives including moving the building off its present foundation.  There were no issues settled at this meeting and Mr. Weiler was advised to contact legal counsel.

The preliminary budget for the Town of Emmet for 2019 was discussed.  Major projects include reconstruction or resurfacing of Halder Drive, which does qualify for a TRIP grant, the volume of dust control to be applied, and number of road miles to be graveled.  The Clerk will have a preliminary budget for the October meeting.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve payment of bills and wages for September.  Motion carried.

The next regular Town Board Meeting will be on October 9, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall. 

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:04 P.M.





                                                                                                                                                Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 11, 2018, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of August 15, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Ditching projects.

b.    Road brushing update.

6.        Approval of registration fee for Town Officers for Town Association Convention.

7.        Approve operators’ licenses and beer permit for Halder Sportsman Club.

8.        Steven Haas – update on ambulance service for Town of Emmet.

9.        Rick Weiler – property at Highways P & H.

10.      Discussion on budget for 2019 and road and other projects.

11.      Public comments.

12.      Approve payment of bills and wages for September.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative October 9, 2018.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk









August 15, 2018


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Don Dahlke @ 7:00 P.M.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Will Litzer, Karl Kurtzweil, Jim Kurtzweil, Marlin Novitzke, Ron Mroczenski, Mark Malotky, and Robert Springer.

Motion by Meldon Maguire, second by Wayne King to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2018 regular Town Board meeting.  Motion carried.  Shirley Dahlke presented the Treasurer’s report for August.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve.  Motion carried. 

There were two building permits issued: Tom Schara - large shed with residential quarters, and Charles Chapel - shed.  The Clerk reported the population estimate for the Town of Emmet is 944, preliminary 2018 equalized property values have increased 8.44% to $78,325,700.  There were 151 votes cast in the August 14, 2018 fall primary.

Culverts were replaced on Halder Drive and Narrow Lane.  Gravel was also applied to Narrow Lane.  Karl will continue to coordinate with Ron Urmanski on cutting limbs and brushing.

Chairman Dahlke will meet with the Mosinee Fire Commission Chief to discuss continued ambulance coverage for the Town of Emmet.  The elevator was inspected and the emergency phone is still not working properly.  The problem will be corrected before the next inspection.  The Clerk will send registration fee to the Wisconsin Towns Association for the work shop on September 17, 2018.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to contact TDS and request an additional phone line for internet.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve the transportation resolution.  Motion carried.  Copies of this will be sent to the Wisconsin Towns Association to forward to legislators and the Governor.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve operator’s license for Krystal Johnson.  Motion carried.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve payment of bills and wages for August.  Motion carried.

Robert Springer was on hand to discuss with the Board the issue of noxious weeds growing on property owned by Robert and LaVerne Springer.  Mr. Springer was informed that this is not a Town issue and should be settled between the parties involved.  Assessor Jim Kurtzweil stated that if the land is not returned to agricultural use, the taxes will increase substantially.

The next regular Town Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7:00 at the Halder Community Hall. 

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:16 P.M.





                                                                                                                                                Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, August 15, 2018, @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of July 10, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Graveling and dust control update.

b.    Road brushing update.

c.    Culvert replacement update.

d.    Status of ambulance contract with Mosinee.

e.    Other concerns.

6.        Approval of registration fee for Town Officer workshop – September 17, 2018.

7.        Discussion and Board action on approval of additional phone line for internet.

8.        Approval of Wisconsin Towns Association resolution regarding road expenditures.

9.        Approval of operator’s license for Krystal Johnson.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative September11, 2018.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





July 10, 2018


Regular Town Board Meeting


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman Don Dahlke @ 7:00 P.M.  The meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Will Litzer, Karl Kurtzweil and Bruce Baur.

Motion by Wayne King, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2018 regular Town Board meeting,Planning Commission meeting, and Special Town Board Meeting on June 21, 2018.  Motion carried.  Shirley Dahlke presented the Treasurer’s report for July.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve.  Motion carried. 

There were four building permits issued:  Joe Baumann – small shed; Steve Michlig – new windows and siding on house; Karen Baietto – shed; and William Hetzel – shed.  The August meeting date will be changed due to the election on August 14.  The Joint Western and Eastern Town Association Meeting will be on Thursday, July 26, 2018 at Rib River Ballroom.

Dust control will be applied to Brookfield Road, Still Hill Road, and West Still Hill Road.  Dust control will also be applied to sections of Sugar Bush Road, Hilltop Road, and other areas as needed.

Karl will schedule with Spindler Landscape for culvert replacement on Halder Drive and Narrow Lane.  Narrow Lane will also be graveled after the culvert replacement.

Bruce Baur, Halder Community Club, had concerns regarding recycling and garbage pickup.  Advanced Disposal will pick up garbage and recycling containers from the Community Club as part of their regular Wednesday route.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve payment of bills and wages for July.  Motion carried.

The next regular Town Board Meeting will be on August 15, 2018 at 7:00 at the Halder Community Hall. 

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  7:50 P.M.





                                                                                                                                                Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 10, 2018,@ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of June 12, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting, and June 21, 2018 Special Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Dust control update.

b.    Brushing schedule.

c.    Other concerns.

6.        Schedule for culvert replacements.

7.        Halder Community Club – Bruce Baur.

8.        Public comments.

9.        Approve payment of bills and wages.

10.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative August 13, or August 15, 2018.

11.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk










June 21 2018 Immediately Following Planning Commission Hearing

Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455



1.        Call meeting to order.


2.        Public comments.


3.        Board action on recommendation from Planning Commission on Jim Kafka rezone.


4.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 21, 2018, at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee to consider the following item:


Request by Jim Kafka; JRK Properties LLC, 1388 State Highway 107, Mosinee, WI 54455 to rezone from AG1 to M1 the following parcel: Part of the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 24, Township 27N, Range 5E, Town of Emmet, Marathon County, Parcel size-33.75 acres.



                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Gerald Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 2018,@ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of May 8, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Graveling and dust control update.

b.    Brushing schedule.

c.    Other concerns.

6.        Approve liquor license applications for Safari Bar and Rock Ridge Orchard.

7.        Amend budget to designate ATC payment for highway expense.

8.        Information on zoning hearing for Kafka Conveyors.

9.        Public comments

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative June 10, 2018.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 8, 2018,

Immediately Following Planning Commission Hearing

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of April 10, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Board action on recommendation from Planning Commission hearing.

6.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Highway and ditch issues.

b.    Graveling and dust control schedule.

7.        Board action on mileage for out-of-town business.

8.        Authorize Clerk to issue beer permits to Halder Community Club for summer events.

9.        Public comments

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative June 12, 2018.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 8, 2018, at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee to consider the following item:


Request by Jim Kafka; JRK Properties LLC, 4483 West State Highway 153, Edgar, WI 54426 to rezone from AG1 to M1 the following parcel: Part of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 28, Township 27N, Range 5E, Town of Emmet, Marathon County.  Parcel size 27.14 acres.



                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Gerald Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 10, 2018 @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of March 13, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports.

a.    Brush cutting

b.    Property on Highways H & P

6.        Jim Kafka - proposed rezone.

7.        Open gravel and dust control bids, and Board action to accept bid(s).

8.        Discussion items for annual meeting and final plans for meal and refreshments for annual meeting.

9.        Approve tanker charge for Edgar Joint Township Tanker Incorporated.

10.      Public comments

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

12.      Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative May 8, 2018.

13.      Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Open Book session – 5:00 – 7:00 PM – Monday, April 16, 2018, Halder Community Hall.


Town of Emmet Annual Meeting, Tuesday, April 17, 2018 @ 7:00 PM, Halder Community Hall.


Board of Review – Monday, April 23, 2018 – 7:00 – 9:00 PM, Halder Community Hall.


Marathon County Western Towns Association – Town of Johnson – Thursday, April 26, 2018.  Lunch at 7:00 PM – Meeting 7:30 PM.


Edgar Joint Township Tanker Annual Meeting – Tuesday, May 1, 2018 @ 8:00 PM, Edgar Fire Department.






Notice of the Board of Review

For the

Town of Emmet, Marathon County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Town of Emmet of Marathon County, Wisconsin, will meet on April 23, 2018 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board.

No person will be allowed to appear before the Board of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board.

The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board’s Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board shall waive the requirement during the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive the requirement up to the end of the fifth day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first two hours of the first scheduled meeting.

Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Review within the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to the end of the fifith day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days.  The Board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question.  Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land.  No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property.  The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.

When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the peron’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.  The Town of Emmet has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.  The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s.19.35(1), Wis. Stats.

The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability.  No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of an assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a), Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.







Notice of the Town of Emmet Residents

Notice of Open Book

Town of Emmet, Marathon County


Pursuant to s70.45 Wisconsin Statutes, the Assessment Roll for the year 2018 assessment will be open for examination on April 16, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  The assessor will be available to answer questions on assessments.  Informational material will be provided at the open book to persons who wish to object to valuations under s70.47 Wisconsin Statutes.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 13, 2018 @ 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held in the Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of February 13, 2018 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Board action on recommendation from Planning Commission from February 22, 2018 hearing for Kafka rezone.

6.        Approve fire and ambulance contract with Edgar Volunteer Fire Department for 2018.

7.        Finalize plans for town-wide large item garbage drop off on April 21, 2018 – items that will and will not be acceptable.

8.        Chairman and Supervisor reports:

a.    Highway updates.

b.    Brush cutting.

c.    Other concerns.

9.        Plans for annual meeting – April 17, 2018.

10.      Public comments

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

12.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative April 10, 2018.

13.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 22, 2018, at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee to consider the following item:


Request by Glenn Kafka; Kafka Granite, LLC; 1188 Ridgeview Road; Mosinee, WI 54455 to rezone from C1 to M1 the following parcel:  Part of Lot 1 of CSM 12356 and all of Outlet 2 of CSM 16361, located in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 20 and NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 29 of Township 27-06, Town of Emmet, Marathon County.



                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Gerald Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2018

after Planning Commission Hearing @ 7:00 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of January 9, 2018 Regular Town Board and January 11, 2018 Special Town Board Meetings.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s and Tax Collection reports.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Board action on recommendation from Planning Commission.

6.        Approve dates for open book (April 16, 2018) and Board of Review (April 23, 2018).

7.        Board discussion and set date for town-wide large item garbage collection, and discuss what items will be accepted.

8.        Discussion on rezone for Glenn Kafka.

9.        Chairman and Supervisor reports

a.    Highway updates.

b.    Mailbox issues involving snowplow.

c.    Other concerns.

10.      Board discussion on property @ intersection of Highway P and Highway H.

11.      Public comments

12.      Approve payment of bills and wages, and levy payments.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative March 13, 2018.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Town Board members will attend Wisconsin Towns Association district meeting on Saturday, February 24, 2018 for Board of Review recertification.




Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee to consider the following items:


1.       Rezone Lots 1 through 5, Harris Acres Subdivision from Ag 1 to RS1.  These parcels are located in the Town of Emmet, SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 32 R27-05.


2.       Rezone Lots 1 through 15, North Bayside and South Bayside Subdivision from Ag 1 to RS1.  These lots are located in the Town of Emmet, SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31 R27-05.


3.       Rezone the following properties located at:  116, 254, 266, 282, 298, and 306 Rangeline Road from Ag 1 to RS1.  The properties are in the Town of Emmet, SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31 R27-05.


                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Gerald Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 9, 2018 @ 7:00 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of December 12, 2017 Regular Town Board and December 20, 2017 Special Town Board Meetings.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s and Tax Collection reports.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports

a.    Highway updates.

b.    Garbage and recycling updates.

6.        Approve 2017 Financial Report and Audit.

7.        Assessor recertification.

8.        Issue of stray dogs discussion on possible solutions to this problem.

9.        Discussion on rezone of subdivision (Deerbush Hills and Harris Acres).

10.      Discussion and possible action on sale of old furnace in Town Hall.

11.      Public comments

12.      Approve payment of bills and wages, and levy payments.

13.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative February 13, 2018.

14.        Adjourn.





Special Town Board Meeting – Thursday, January 11, 2018 @ Halder Community Hall immediately following Plan Commission Hearing.


1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Board discussion and action on recommendation from the Plan Commission regarding Deerbush Hills Subdivision rezone

3.        Adjourn.


                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Western Towns Association Meeting - Thursday, January 25, 2018 @ 7:30 P.M. at the Colby VFW Hall, hosted by Town of Hull.






Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455 to consider the following.

Rezone Lots 1 through 28, Deerbush Hills Subdivision, from Ag 1 to RS 1.  These parcels are located in the Town of Emmet, the NW1/4 and SW1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Range 27-05.


By order of the Town of Emmet Planning Commission


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          







December 20, 2017 @ 4:00 P.M.

Town of Emmet Town Garage



1.        Call meeting to order.


2.        Board discussion on zoning classifications for Deerbush Hills and Harris Acres subdivisions


3.        Board authorization for publication of zoning change notice.


4.        Public comments.


5.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 12, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of November 14, 2017 Regular Town Board and Special Town Elector Meetings.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports

a.    Highway concerns.

b.    Garbage and recycling update.

c.    Other issues.

6.        Approve payment on January 2, 2018 of Rural Insurance premium.

7.        Approve the election workers for the next election cycle:  Rena Maguire, LeeAnn Thomsen, Violet Streveler, Holly Stankowski, Jane Doll, Rosalie Michlig.

8.        Board discussion and possible action to replace the sander.

9.        Discussion and possible action on fencing issues.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

11.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative January 9, 2018.

12.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







Public Hearing on Proposed 2018 Budget, Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 7:00 P.M.

Town of Emmet Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI



1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Present Proposed 2018 expenditures and receipts.

3.        Comments, Questions on items within the budget.

4.        Adjourn the Budget Hearing


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Special Town Elector Meeting to approve the proposed 2018 Budget,

Following the Public Hearing


1.        Call Special Town Meeting to order.

2.            Discussion and action to adopt the 2018 budget.

3.            Adjourn.


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

November 14, 2017 immediately following Special Town Elector Meeting



1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of regular Town Board Meeting of October 10, 2017.

3.        Treasurer’s report and motion to approve.

4.        Clerk’s communications and building permits.

5.        Approve 2018 budget as adopted at Special Town Meeting.

6.        Highway updates.

7.        First Responder report – Doug Schoenfuss.

8.        Board action to approve compensation and bonus for first responders.

9.        Board action to renew membership dues in the Wisconsin Independent Assessing Officers Association.

10.      Board action and discussion to solve situation of landowner failing to keep livestock properly fenced in.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages as presented.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative – December 12, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

14.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






A public hearing on the proposed 2018 budget will be held, November 14, 2017, at 7:00 P.M., in the Town of Emmet Town Garage, 3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.


Notice is also given that immediately after the budget hearing a special town meeting will be called for the following purpose:


To adopt the 2018 town tax levy and 2018 budget pursuant to section 60.10 of the state statutes.


The budget in detail is available from the Clerk.


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held following the special Town Meeting, also being held at the Town of Emmet Town Garage.


By order of the Town Board, Town of Emmet


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          


Summary of Budget Proposal



2016 Actual

2017 (1/1/17-9/30/17)

Proposed 2018

Taxes-Property MFL




Intergovernmental Revenue




2% Fire Dues




ATC Payment




Licenses and Permits




Highway Materials








Rent, Escrow, Misc.




Garbage and Recycling











2016 Actual

2017 (1/1/17-9/30/17)

Proposed 2018

General Government




Public Safety




Public Works
















Capital Outlay




Garbage and Recycling









Balance 12-31-2016---$117,922.80




Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 10, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of September 12, 2017 Regular Town Board and Special Town Board Meetings.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman and Supervisor reports

a.    Highway concerns.

b.    Garbage and recycling update.

c.    Other issues.

6.        Approve beer permit and operator licenses for Halder Sportsman Club.

7.        Board discussion and possible action on pay raises for Town employees.

8.        Review and discussed proposed 2018 budget and set date for budget hearing and special elector meeting.

9.        Approve payment of bills and wages presented at October 10, 2017 meeting.

10.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting – tentative November 14, 2017.

11.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon County TRIP Meeting – Wednesday, October 11, 2017 @ 6:30 P.M., Marathon County Highway Department.


Marathon County Western Town and Village Association Meeting – Thursday, October 26, 2017.  Town of Holton hosts.







September 25, 2017 @ 4:30 P.M.

Halder Community Hall



1.        Call meeting to order.


2.        Board action to approve and sign contract with Advanced Disposal for Town-wide garbage and recyclable pickup.


3.        Discussion with Advanced Disposal to determine startup date for garbage and recyclable pickup.


4.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







September 20, 2017 @ 4:30 P.M.

Halder Community Hall



1.        Call meeting to order.


2.        Discussion with IROW regarding Town-wide garbage and recyclable pickup.


3.        Board action on issues discussed on item #2.


4.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455

Meeting will follow the Public Hearing





1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of August 8, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Board action on Plan Commission recommendation on Kafka rezone.

6.        Highway updates.

7.        Update on Town-wide garbage and recycling pick up.

8.        Discussion on West Still Hill Road culvert issues.

9.        Road projects for 2018 and possible projects for County cost sharing.

10.      Preliminary discussion on budget items for 2018.

11.      Approval of registration fee for Town Board Members to attend WTA Annual Meeting.

12.      Public comments.

13.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at September 12, 2017 meeting.

14.        Set date and time for next regular Town Board Meeting.

15.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon Area Tanker Association Special Meeting, Wednesday, September 13, 2017 @ 7:00 P.M., at Cassel Town Hall.





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of July 11, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Highway updates.

a)    Truck repair update.

b)    Update on Maple Leaf Road culvert replacement.

c)    Issues involving roadside brush cutting.

6.        Board action to sign contract with IROW for garbage and recycling pick up.

7.        Discussion on time table and procedures for implementing town-wide garbage pickup.

8.        Discussion on road projects for 2018.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at August 8, 2017 meeting.

11.        Set date and possible time change for next regular Town Board Meeting.

12.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of June 13, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting, June 19, 2017 Special Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Highway updates.

a)    Graveling and dust control report.

b)    Update on Maple Leaf Road culvert replacement.

6.        Open request for proposals for curbside garbage and recycling pick up.

7.        Board discussion and decision on awarding contract for curbside garbage and recycling pick up.

8.        Update regarding landowner fencing issue.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at July 11, 2017 meeting.

11.        Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, August 8, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

12.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Special Town Board Meeting, Monday, June 19, 2017 @ 4:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Board discussion and action to finalize the request for proposals for town-wide curb-side garbage and recycle pickup.

3.        Discussion on communication from Red Rock Granite.

4.        Public comments.

5.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of May 9, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Highway updates.

a)    Graveling and dust control report.

b)    Eau Pleine Park Road chip seal.

6.        Meleesa Johnson, Marathon County Solid Waste Management, and representatives from waste disposal companies.

7.        Board discussion and decision on adopting town-wide curbside garbage and recycling pickup.

8.        Budget amendment to designate ATC funds for highway projects.

9.        Decision on replacement culverts on Maple Leaf Road.

10.      Approve liquor licenses.

11.      Approval to bill Town of Green Valley for gravel and grading.

12.      Discussion on possible timetable for crack sealing and seal coating the east/west portion of Eau Pleine Park Road.

13.      Public comments.

14.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at June 13, 2017 meeting.

15.        Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

16.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of April 11, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Board decision on recommendation from the Planning Commission.

6.        Highway and other concerns.

a)    Highway and Equipment Updates - Karl.

b)    Report on Tanker Meetings.

7.        Authorize Clerk to issue beer permits to Halder Community Club for summer events.

8.        Board discussion on town-wide garbage and recycle pick up and timetable for future action.

9.        Public comments.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at May 9, 2017 meeting.

11.        Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, June 13, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

12.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






13.      Call Meeting to order.

14.      Approve Minutes of April 11, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

15.      Approve Treasurer’s report.

16.      Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

17.      Board decision on recommendation from the Planning Commission.

18.      Highway and other concerns.

c)    Highway and Equipment Updates - Karl.

d)    Report on Tanker Meetings.

19.      Authorize Clerk to issue beer permits to Halder Community Club for summer events.

20.      Board discussion on town-wide garbage and recycle pick up and timetable for future action.

21.      Public comments.

22.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at May 9, 2017 meeting.

23.        Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, June 13, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

24.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





April 11, 2017 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Duane Ladick, Adam Koss, and Sandi Cihlar.

Motion by Wayne King, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2017 regular board meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for April.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to accept the financial report.  Motion carried.

The following building permits were issued:  Tyler Dahlke – residence remodeling; Rock Ridge Orchard, LLC – commercial and event building; Mel Cook – garage addition; and Wayne Reineking – siding on residence.   There were 164 votes cast in the April election.  Of those123 were voters in the Mosinee School District.  The Clerk reported that over 100 survey questions have been returned.  Those numbers will be discussed at the annual meeting.

The Oath of Office was administered to the Town Board members elected on April 4, 2017. 

The fire bill for the transformer fire on Eau Pleine Park Road has been forwarded to the landowner.

Karl reported that the reclaimer is being used weather permitting.  Roads to be graveled in 2017 will reclaimed before graveling.

Plans were finalized for the food and refreshments for the annual meeting.

The following bids were received for gravel 2017-2018:  Red Rock Granite – decomposed granite delivered in the Town - $4.97 per cubic yard, $3.75 per cubic yard picked up.  Fill material delivered - $4.98 per cubic yard, $3.75 per cubic yard picked up.  Breaker rock overrun – delivered $7.98 per cubic yard, $6.95 per cubic yard picked up.  Pit run breaker rock - $6.98 per cubic yard delivered, $5.95 per cubic yard picked up.  State spec road base - $9.78 per cubic yard delivered, $7.75 per cubic yard picked up.                                 Ladick Road Materials – decomposed granite delivered in the Town - $5.34 per cubic yard, loaded on Town trucks - $3.90 per cubic yard, delivered to Town residents - $6.80 per cubic yard.  Pit run granite – delivered $5.40 per cubic yard, loaded on Town trucks - $3.40 per cubic yard.  Fill dirt material – delivered $5.30 per cubic yard, loaded on Town trucks - $2.40 per cubic yard.  Breaker run chip rock delivered - $7.85 per cubic yard, loaded on Town trucks - $4.95 per cubic yard.  Large riprap delivered to Town - $12.85 per cubic yard.  Sand delivered - $8.30 per cubic yard.                                                                                                             Bid from Wisconsin Salt Solutions for dust control $1.02 per gallon calcium chloride, $1.00 per gallon magnesium chloride.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to accept the decomposed granite bid of Red Rock Granite for Town projects.  Motion carried.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to accept the bid of Wisconsin Salt Solutions of $1.02 per gallon for dust control.  Motion carried.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to accept as an alternate bid of Ladick Road Materials.  Motion carried.

A proposal received from Advanced Disposal for Town-wide garbage pickup was discussed.  Other concerns are the cost for business dumpsters and residents who have contracts with other garbage companies.  These issues will be discussed at the annual meeting.  Also discussed were issues concerning the present large dumpster and difficulty of residents getting their recyclables into this dumpster.  All these concerns will be on the May agenda. 

County Board Supervisor, Sandi Cihlar, updated the Board on the proposed address changes and the septic system inspections.  She indicated her committee has recommended that septic system inspections be required only at sales of residences.  Cihlar answered numerous questions from the Board on these topics.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve payment of wages, bills as presented at the meeting.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to set the date of the next regular Town Board Meeting on May 9, 2017 immediately following the public hearing.  Meeting will be at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by Dahlke to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:35 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







Town of Emmet Residents


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Emmet Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee to consider the following items:


1.       A request by Jim Kafka, C2314 Eau Pleine Road, Stratford, Wisconsin 54484, JRK Properties, LLC, 1403 State Highway 107, to rezone from Ag-1 Agricultural to M-2 Heavy Industrial, the following parcel:  The NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 13 R 27-05 E.  Parcel size 10 Acres.


2.       Request by Daniel and Julie Knetter (Rock Ridge Orchard, LLC), 4994 West State Highway 153, Edgar, to rezone from Ag-1 Agricultural to C-1 Commercial, the following parcel:  The SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 19 R 27-05 E, subdivision CSM.  Parcel size 2 Acres.


NOTE:  The regular May Town Board Meeting will follow the Public Hearing.


                                                                                    Town of Emmet Planning Commission

                                                                                                Jerry Fitzgerald, Clerk




Notice of the Board of Review

For the

Town of Emmet, Marathon County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Town of Emmet of Marathon County, Wisconsin, will meet on May 8, 2017 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  The 2017 assessment roll will be open for open book public inspection from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., at the same location.  Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board.

No person will be allowed to appear before the Board of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board.

The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board’s Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board shall waive the requirement during the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive the requirement up to the end of the fifth day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first two hours of the first scheduled meeting.

Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Review within the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to the end of the fifith day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days.  The Board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question.  Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land.  No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property.  The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.

When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the peron’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.  The Town of Emmet has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.  The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s.19.35(1), Wis. Stats.

The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability.  No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of an assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a), Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 11, 2017 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of March 14, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Administer Oath of Office toTown Board members.

6.        Highway and other concerns.

a)    Discussion on fire call on Eau Pleine Park Road.

b)    Grading and reclaiming updates – Karl.

c)    Other.

7.        Finalize plans for annual meeting.

8.        Open bids for gravel and dust control, and Board action on the bids.

9.        Recycling updates.

10.      Public comments.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at March 14, 2017 meeting.

12.        Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

13.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



1)    April 18, 2017 @ 8:00 P.M. – Town of Emmet annual meeting.


2)    April 26, 2017 – Marathon Area Tanker Association meeting @ 7:00 P.M. – Marathon Fire Department.


3)    April 27, 2017 – Marathon County Western Towns and Village Association meeting @ Town of Hamburg @ 7:30 P.M.


4)    May 2, 2017 @ 8:00 P.M. – Edgar Joint Township Tanker meeting – Edgar Fire Hall.


5)    Town of Emmet Board of Review – Monday, May 8, 2017.  Open book – 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.  Board of Review – 7:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.





March 14, 2017 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Will Litzer, Dan and Julie Knetter, Dale Marth, Ann Schultz, and Cory Tomczyk.

Motion by Meldon Maguire, second by Wayne King to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2017 regular board meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for March.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to accept the financial report.  Motion carried.

There were no building permits issued in February.  Reports from the Clerk included that there were 47 votes cast in the February primary.  A bill from the Marathon Fire Department for the 2017 fire contract has been paid after a new invoice was received.  A questionnaire was received from the County surveyor regarding road and graveling projects for 2017.  That questionnaire will be filled out and returned.  The Clerk updated the Board on Marathon County proposed addressed changes and developments concerning the POWTS issue.  Board of Review is tentatively scheduled for Monday, May8, 2017.

A landowner concern about ditch drainage at Spring Green Drive and County Highway S was discussed by the Board and the Board agreed that drainage issues will have to be solved by the landowner.

The Board discussed the grass fire caused by a transformer malfunction on Eau Pleine Park Road.  The Clerk has contacted WPS.  After the bill is received, the landowner will be contacted as to possible coverage by his own insurance.

Recycling updates were given to the Board and it is apparent that the two smaller dumpsters for the Saturday recycling are not large enough to handle the volume.  Dale Marth from Advanced Disposal presented to the Board other options for handling the recycling volume.  It was decided that a large 28-yard dumpster will replace the two smaller dumpsters.  Mr. Marth explained the additional costs associated with this change.  A survey will be sent to all Town of Emmet residents for input on whether the Town should establish Town-wide garbage and recycling pickup.  A price quote for this will be available at the April Town meetings. 

Dan & Julie Knetter presented to the Board their plans for a commercial building on their property at 4982 Highway 153.  This includes a 52-by-146-foot structure.  A section will be devoted to special events.  A public hearing for a zoning change will be scheduled in May.  The Knetter’s also indicated they wish to get a liquor license.  At this time there is one license in reserve, and the Knetter’s can apply for that license.

A proposal was discussed from The Horton Insurance Group for possible blanket coverage for all Town personnel.  The Board decided not to sign up for blanket coverage, and the Clerk and Treasurer will continue to be covered by The Horton Group.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to authorize the Clerk to publish for bids for gravel and dust control.  These bids will be opened at the April 11, 2017 meeting.

Ann Schultz and Cory Tomczyk from the Mosinee School District presented the plans for the upcoming referendum on April 4, 2017.  They explained each of the questions that will be on the ballot.  They answered numerous questions from the Board members and Town residents present.  Chairman Dahlke thanked them for attending the meeting.

Supervisor King indicated that the Town employees need safety vests and other necessary items when they are working on road projects.  All these will be purchased in the near future. 

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve payment of wages, bills as presented at the meeting.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to set the date of the next regular Town Board Meeting on April 11, 2017 @ 7:30 p.m. at the Town of Emmet garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:25 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of February 14, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Highway and other concerns.

a)    Landowner concern at Spring Green Drive and County Highway S.

b)    Road posting and overweight permits.

c)    Discussion on fire call on Eau Pleine Park Road.

d)    Recycling update.

6.        Update by Dan and Julie Knetter on building project.

7.        Board discussion on proposal from Horton Group for a possible blanket coverage policy.

8.        Authorize Clerk to publish for gravel bids.

9.        Public comments.

a)    Mosinee School District representative.

b)    Other.

10.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at February 14, 2017 meeting.

11.        Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, April 11, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

12.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





February 14, 2017 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Town of Emmet Town Garage.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Bryan Michlig, Will Litzer, Rich Wentzel, Marcia Kohnert, and Joe and Amy Kaiser.

Motion by Meldon Maguire, second by Wayne King to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2017 regular board meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for February and tax collection report.  Total taxes collected were $883,893.83.  There is slightly over $178,000 in taxes postponed that need to be collected by July 31, 2017.  As of this meeting, the February levy payments to the schools and the county were not received.  The Clerk will pay those immediately upon receiving them.  Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

There were no building permits issued in January.  The Clerk reported to the Board that there will be a primary election on February 21, 2017.

Karl reported to the Board that new batteries have been purchased for the Town grader.  After Board discussion and updates on the recycling volume, Advanced Disposal will be contacted to furnish an additional dumpster for the recycling on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month.  Hopefully, more Town residents will use the fourth Saturday to recycle to eliminate the overflowing of the dumpsters that have occurred on the second Saturday.

Wayne presented to the Board quotes for a reclaimer.  After Board discussion, a motion by King, second by Maguire to purchase a Tiger-Claw reclaimer from Serwe Implement for $7,690.  Motion carried. 

Joe and Amy Kaiser presented to the Board their plans for building on property they recently purchased on Briarwood Road.  Their concern was that a zoning change would be necessary.  After Board discussion, the present zoning classification for that property will remain.  Dan and Julie Knetter were unable to be at this meeting.  The Clerk explained that they will be on the March agenda to outline their plans for their building project.

The invoice received by the Clerk from the Marathon Fire Department for fire coverage for 2017 included woodland valuation as part of the total cost.  Because woodland is not part of the contract, a motion by Maguire, second by King to not pay this invoice.  The Chairman will contact Marathon City officials and the Town will be willing to pay the 2017 fire coverage when a revised invoice without the woodland valuation is received.

The Clerk and Chairman received a packet from the Marathon County CPZ regarding duplicate road names in the Town of Emmet.  The CPZ would like all the rural townships to send them alternative road names for roads in the Town that are duplicate with other roads in other towns in the county.  After Board discussion, motion by King, second by Maguire to authorize the Clerk to return this packet to the CPZ and inform them by letter that the Town Board is not going to rename the roads.  As this is a CPZ mandate, they should be responsible for renaming the roads.  Motion carried.

The Town residents in attendance at this meeting shared their opinions and concerns with the Board regarding the address and road name changes.  The Board appreciates their input.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve payment of wages, bills as presented at the meeting and also for the Clerk to pay the school and county levies upon receipt.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to set the date of the next regular Town Board Meeting on March 14, 2017 @ 7:30 p.m. at the Town of Emmet garage.  Motion carried.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:50 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk











Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 14, 2017 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of January 10, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Updates on recycling program and discussion on any needed changes.

6.        Highway updates and Chairman and Supervisor reports.

7.        Discussion on reclaimer costs and possible Board action.

8.        Board discussion on possible rezone changes (Knetter, Kaiser).

9.        Discussion on payment of Marathon Fire Department contract.

10.      Board discussion on CPZ proposal to have local officials name the roads.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages and levy payments presented at February 14, 2017 meeting.

12.        Public comments.

13.      Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, March 14, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

14.        Adjourn.




                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Caucus @ 7:00 P.M.

Regular Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, January 10, 2017

`Meeting will be held in the Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of December 13, 2016 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report – regular and tax accounts.

4.        Highway updates and other concerns.

5.        Audit and approve entries of Clerk and Treasurer of receipts and expenses for 2016.

6.        Approve 2016 Financial Report and authorize Clerk to print 2016 annual report.

7.        Approve payment of bills, wages, and partial levy payments as of December 31, 2016.

8.        Public comments.

9.        Set time and date for next Town Board Meeting – Tentative:  February 14, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

10.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Western Towns Association Meeting will be on Thursday, January 26, 2017, hosted by the Town of Halsey.





Tow of Emmet


The TOWN OF EMMET Caucus for nominating candidates for the April 4, 2017 election will be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 @ 7:00 P.M.  The caucus will be held in the Town of Emmet Garage, 3403 Halder Drive.  All Town Board officers will be on the ballot for a two-year term beginning in April 2017.






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 13, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Town Garage

3403 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of November 9, 2016 Budget Hearing, Special Town Elector Meeting, Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and other reports.

5.        Updates on highway concerns and recycling program.

6.        Approve fire and ambulance contract for Stratford Area Fire Department.

7.        Approve payment to Mosinee Fire Department for ambulance for 2017.

8.        Authorize payment of Rural Insurance premium on January 2, 2017.

9.        Board discussion and possible action on purchase of truck for Town employee usage.

10.      Schedule date and time for 2017 caucus.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages presented at December 13, 2016 meeting.

12.        Public comments.

13.      Set time and date for next regular Town Board Meeting Tuesday, January 10, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M.

14.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Public Hearing on Proposed 2017 Budget, Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 7:30 P.M.

Lower Level, Halder Community Hall



1.        Call Hearing to order.

2.        Present Proposed 2017 expenditures and receipts.

3.        Comments, Questions on items within the budget.

4.        Adjourn the Budget Hearing


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Special Town Elector Meeting to approve the proposed 2017 Budget,

Following the Public Hearing


1.        Call Special Town Meeting to order.

2.            Discussion and action to adopt the 2017 budget.

3.        Authorize the Town Board to hire town officers as employees of the Town and set an hourly wage pursuant to s. 60.10(1)(g) and 60.37 of the Wis. Statutes.

4.            Adjourn.


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

November 9, 2016



1.        Call Meeting to Order.

2.        Approve minutes of regular Town Board Meeting of October 11, 2016.

3.        Treasurer’s report and motion to approve.

4.        Clerk’s communications and building permits.

5.        Approve 2017 budget as adopted at Special Town Meeting.

6.        Highway updates – Road projects and graveling for 2017.

7.        Dale Marth – Advanced Disposal.

8.        Board action on yearly bonus for Highway employees.

9.        Approve payment of bills and wages as presented.

10.      Public comments.

11.      Set time, date, and place for the next meeting:  Tentative – December 13, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.

12.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





A public hearing on the proposed 2017 budget will be held Wednesday, November 9, 2016, at 7:30 P.M., in the Halder Community Hall.


Notice is also given that immediately after the budget hearing a special town meeting will be called for the following purposes:


1.     To adopt the 2017 town tax levy and budget pursuant to section 60.10(2) of the state statutes.


2.     To authorize the Town board to hire Town officers as employees of the town and set an hourly wage pursuant to section 60.10(1)(g) of the state statutes.  


The budget in detail is available from the Clerk.


The regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held following the special Town Meeting, also being held at the Halder Community Hall.


By order of the Town Board, Town of Emmet


Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk          


Summary of Budget Proposal



2015 Actual

2016 (1/1/16-10/31/16)

Proposed 2017

Taxes-Property MFL




Intergovernmental Revenue




2% Fire Dues




ATC Payment




Licenses and Permits




Highway Materials








Rent, Escrow, Misc.











2015 Actual

2016 (1/1/16-10/31/16)

Proposed 2017

General Government




Public Safety




Public Works





















Balance 12-31-2015 is $154,537.84







It is hereby ordained by the Town Board of the Town Emmet, Marathon County, Wisconsin, as follows:


Section 1. Authority:  This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted town boards under s. 60.44(2), Wis. Stats. which allows for the adoption of an alternative claim procedure for approving financial claims against the town which are in the nature of bills and vouchers.


Section 2. Applicability:  Payments may be made from the town treasury pursuant to this ordinance for bills or vouchers that are of a routine nature, namely:  utility bills, payroll, and other miscellaneous bills for supplies or services that need to be paid before the next meeting to avoid late payment penalties or service fees.


Section 3. Procedure:  Payments may be made from the town treasury after the town clerk audits and approves each claim as a proper charge against the treasury by first determining that the following conditions have been complied with:


1.       Funds are available under the town budget to pay the bill or voucher.


2.       The item or service covered by the bill or voucher has been duly authorized.


3.       The item or service covered by the bill or voucher has been supplied or rendered in conformity with the authorization.


4.       The claim appears to be a valid claim against the town.


After determining that the above conditions have been met, the clerk shall prepare and sign a check and have it countersigned by the town treasurer and the town chairperson pursuant to s. 66.0607 Wis. Stats.  The completed checks will then be mailed or delivered to the appropriate parties.


At least monthly, the town clerk shall file with the town board a written list of claims approved pursuant to this ordinance.  The list shall include the date paid, name of claimant, purpose and amount.


Section 4. Effective Date:  This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption and posting, as provided by law, pursuant to s. 60.80, Wis. Stats.



                                                Date of Passage:                                                                     


                                                Vote For:                       Vote Against:                                   


                                                Signed by:                                            Date:                         

                                                                                                Town Chairperson


                                                Attest:                                                  Date:                         

                                                                                   Signature of Town Clerk







Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 11, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of September 13, 2016 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman & Supervisor reports – highway updates and other concerns.

6.        Approve beer permit and operator licenses for Halder Sportsman’s Club.

7.        Approve ordinance for alternative claims procedure.

8.        Review and discuss proposed 2017 budget and prepare budget for publication for the budget hearing.

9.        Approve payment of bills and wages presented at October 11, 2016 meeting.

10.        Public comments.

11.      Set time and date for budget hearing, special town elector meeting, and regular Town Board Meeting (date change – Wednesday, November 9, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.  Budget hearing at 7:30; town elector meeting and regular Town Board meeting to follow.

12.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association Meeting is Thursday, October 27, 2016 @ Country Aire Ballroom at 7:30 P.M.  Host is Town of Frankfort.




September 13, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Doug Schoenfuss, Leon Woller, Will Litzer, and Alvin and Rachel Kaiser.

Motion by Wayne King, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2016 regular Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for September.  Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported there were no building permits issued since the last meeting.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to appoint Doug Schoenfuss as coordinator for the Town of Emmet first responders.  Motion carried.  Previous coordinator, Scott Pupp, has moved out of the area.  Schoenfuss accepted the appointment and stated he has received the recent supplies ordered for the first responders including the radio batteries and Lifepak kits.

Leon Woller from Rural Insurance Company presented the Board with preliminary quotations for Property and Liability insurance, and Workman’s Compensation insurance.  He answered several questions from the Board regarding property values.  A few adjustments will be made to these values and he will send a new quotation to the Clerk for budgetary considerations.  After Board discussion, a motion by Maguire, second by King to terminate the Town’s policy with the Local Government Property Insurance Fund and accept the proposal from Rural Insurance.

Karl Kurtzweil reported to the Board that most graveling projects have been completed for 2016.  The total gravel applied to Sugar Bush Road was 1,638 yards.  Major projects for 2017 include the replacement of the two adjoining culverts on Maple Leaf Road, and the Clerk will send in the application for County cost-sharing on this project.  The Town will also reset a culvert on the Maple Court subdivision. 

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve the Marathon City Fire contract for 2017.  There will be a slight increase in the section fees, however, the Board recognizes the necessity of having fire protection for the Town of Emmet located east of Highway S.

Budgetary items for 2017 were discussed by the Board.  There will be no money put in the budget for the proposed county-wide address changes.  It appears that implementation of this will not be until 2018.  Supervisor King presented the Board with various quotations for a reclaimer.  These quotes range from $4,900 to $17,000 for a grader-mounted reclaimer.  The preliminary budget for a reclaimer will be $10,000 to $11,000.  The Clerk will have a proposed budget ready for discussion for the October 11, 2016 meeting. 

Motion by Don Dahlke, second by Maguire to authorize the Town to reimburse Town Board Members for their registration expenses for the Wisconsin Town’s Association annual convention.  Motion carried.  Board members will send in their own registrations for the days and times they wish to attend.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve the Halder Community Hall as an alternative site for in-person absentee voting.  Motion carried.  This is necessary to comply with requirements of a recent court decision regarding in-person absentee voting.

Alvin Kaiser was in attendance and stated that he will be willing to continue to do brushing work for the Town of Emmet.  He will coordinate with Karl on upcoming projects including portions of West Still Hill Road and Brookfield Road. 

The Board discussed updating the comprehensive plan and a few possible changes in the zoning regulations.  Chairman Dahlke explained that any proposed zoning changes would have to be done with legal compliance.  No date was set for these two items.

Public comments involved land and property transactions where after certified surveys, property amounts and boundaries change.  It is important before any property transactions to get a certified survey as nearly all surveys are not completely accurate.  This also enables the assessor to keep all property records up to date.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to authorize the Clerk to pay major bills (Eau Pleine Park Road – chip sealing project) that may come in before the next meeting.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to authorize payment of bills and wages as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to set date for the next regular Town Board meeting for Tuesday, October 11, 2016 @ 7:30 PM at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried. 

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:25 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 13, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of August 10, 2016 Regular Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman & Supervisor reports – updates on road and graveling projects.

6.        Report from Karl on culvert projects for 2017 and Maple Leaf Road project for County cost-sharing.

7.        Insurance quotation from Leon Woller on insurance for 2017 and possible Board action to discontinue the LGPIF insurance and put the quotation from rural insurance in the 2017 budget.

8.        Discussion on the Marathon Fire Department contract for 2017.

9.        Appointment of Doug Schoenfuss as coordinator for Emmet First Responders.

10.      Discussion on budgetary issues for 2017 and quotation for a reclaimer.

11.      Approval of registration fee for Town Board members to attend WTA Convention.

12.      Board approval of Halder Community Hall for additional site for in-person absentee voting.

13.      Discussion on possible updates and changes to the Town of Emmet Comprehensive Plan.

14.      Authorize Clerk to pay large bills that come in after the September 13, 2016 meeting.

15.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

16.        Public comments.

17.        Set time and date for next Town Board Meeting – tentative October 11, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.

18.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






August 10, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Doug Schoenfuss & Sandi Cihlar.

Motion by Wayne King, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2016 regular Board Meeting, and the August 1, 2016 Special Town Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for August.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported that two building permits were issued in July – Dale Kurtzweil, concrete slab and ginseng dryer; and Michael Zsidio, storage shed.  There were 56 votes cast in the August 9 primary.

The Eau Pleine Park Road project will be undertaken in the next few weeks.  Fahrner Asphalt Sealers will repair the sunken culverts and Scott Construction will apply the double chip seal coating.  Sugar Bush Road will be graveled and the brushing will continue until it is finished.  These two projects should be concluded by the first part of September 2016.

After Board discussion Motion by Maguire, second by King to cancel the contract with American Welding and Gas for the cylinder rentals.  Motion carried. This motion also included the Board’s decision to rent cylinders in the future from Mississippi Welding and Supply.  The Clerk was instructed to send a termination letter to American Welding and Gas. 

Doug Schoenfuss reported to the Board that he has purchased new Lifepak kits for the first responders at a cost of $990.00.  He also purchased new batteries for the first responder radios.  Motion by King, second by Maguire to pay for these supplies.  Motion carried.  Schoenfuss presented to the Board the expense items for the two new first responders (Connie Halvorsen and Jessica Halvorsen).  Motion by King, second by Maguire to pay for those training expenses.  Motion carried.

After Board discussion motion by King, second by Maguire to purchase heating fuel for the upcoming heating season from L&L Propane.  Motion carried.  If other suppliers during the course of the upcoming heating season have a lower price than L&L Propane, the Board will make a purchase decision at that time.

Karl Kurtzweil will present to the Board at the September meeting a list of possible culvert replacements for 2017.  The proposed replacement on Maple Leaf Road will be submitted to the County by the October 1, 2016 deadline.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to pay membership dues to the Wisconsin Independent Assessing Officers Association (WIIAOA) in the amount of $100.00 for one year only.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to pay the membership due to the Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association for 2017-2018 in the amount of $100.00.  Motion carried.

Preliminary budgetary items were discussed.  A quotation from Rural Insurance will be presented at the September meeting and a decision to include the addressing implementation costs in the next budget will also be made at the September meeting.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve payment of bills and wages as presented.  Motion carried.

County Board Supervisor, Sandi Cihlar, updated the Board on the recent developments at the County level concerning the address implementation issue, the situation with the County Administrator, and other issues concerning the County.  Cihlar answered numerous questions from Board members and is appreciative of the Board’s input on the addressing issue.  She will keep the Board informed on the timetable for addressing implementation.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to set date for the next regular Town Board meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 @ 7:30 PM at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried. 

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:40 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, August 10, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of July 12, 2016 Town Board Meeting; and August 1, 2016 Special Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman & Supervisor reports.

a.    Update on Eau Pleine Park Road project.

b.    Graveling and brushing on Sugarbush Road.

c.    Other highway issues.

6.        Report from Karl on prices for cylinder rental and possible Board action.

7.        Board discussion and possible Board action on propane purchases for the upcoming heating season.

8.        Have Karl present to the Board at the September meeting a list of possible culvert replacements for 2017.

9.        Board discussion and decision to join the WIIAOA (Wisconsin Independent Assessing Officers Association).

10.      Approve dues for 2017 for Marathon County Western Towns and Villages Association.

11.      Discussion on preliminary budget concerns for 2017, including the local government property insurance fund.

12.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

13.      Board decision when to pay Scott Construction and Fahrner Asphalt Sealers.

14.        Public comments.

15.        Set time and date for next Town Board Meeting – tentative September 14, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.

16.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk








Special Town Board Meeting, Monday, August 1, 2016 – 8:00 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Open bids for double chip sealing of Eau Pleine Park Road.

3.        Board discussion and approval or rejection of bids received.

4.        If a bid is approved, set timetable for project.

5.        Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







July 12, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Will Litzer, Frank Feehrer, and Mindy Vandenboogard.

Motion by Meldon Maguire, second by Wayne King to accept the minutes of the June 14, 2016 regular Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for July.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported that one building permit was issued in June – Glen Yoder, house addition.  The Clerk also reported that the primary election will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, and the joint meeting of the Marathon County Towns and Villages Association will be on Thursday, July 28, 2016.

Highway report – The crack sealing of Eau Pleine Park Road has been completed.  There are a few graveling projects remaining including the western portion of Sugar Bush Road and Valley View Road.  An additional load of calcium chloride for dust control will be applied where needed.  Depending upon weather conditions, additional calcium chloride will be applied if needed.

After Board discussion regarding the possible purchase of a Reclaimer, it was decided to budget it for 2017.  Depending upon 2017 expenditures, a Reclaimer will possibly be purchased next year.

The Board discussed the monthly expenditure concerning the rental of cylinder tanks.  Karl will look into a cheaper alternative for cylinder tanks and will report at the August meeting. 

Supervisor King gave a price breakdown on purchasing or leasing propane tanks.  After Board discussion, a motion by Maguire, second by King to purchase a 1,000-gallon propane tank from L&L Propane.  Motion carried.  Heartland Cooperative will be notified to remove the present propane tanks from our site.  Pricing information from L&L Propane for the next heating season will be available for the August meeting.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to authorize the Clerk to issue bid notice for double chip sealing of two miles of Eau Pleine Park Road.  Motion carried.  This bid will be ran in the Town newspaper for two weeks.  The Clerk will notify interested companies for this project.  This project will be cost-shared with Marathon County, and if time does not permit the project completion this year, the County cost-share money will still be available in 2017.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve payment of bills and wages for July 2016.  Motion carried.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to set date for the next regular Town Board meeting at Wednesday, August 10, 2016 @ 7:30 PM at the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.  Meeting change due to the primary election.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  8:20 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk







Regular Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 12, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of May 14, 2016 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman & Supervisor reports.

a.    Eau Pleine Park Road crack sealing.

b.    Graveling projects in Town of Emmet.

c.    Dust control application.

d.    Other highway issues.

6.        Board discussion and possible action on purchase of reclaimer disc.

7.        Board action on replacement of existing propane tanks.

8.        Board discussion and possible action on prepay program for propane from Heartland Cooperative.

9.        Approve payment of bills and wages.

10.        Public comments.

11.        Set time and date for next Town Board Meeting – Date change needed because of primary election on August 9, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.

12.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk


Joint meeting of the Marathon County Eastern and Western Towns and Villages Association – Thursday, July 28, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M. at Rib River Ballroom.





Advertise for bids for chip sealing for Eau Pleine Park Road.





Telephone                                                                                           400 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                   Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455







Regular Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 14, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of May 10, 2016 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman & Supervisor reports.

a.    Highway, graveling & dust control updates.

b.    Report on CPZ Address change and meetings.

c.    Information on reclaimer.

d.    Complaints regarding fencing and cattle getting out.

6.        Halder Community Club – Hall summer regulations.

7.        First Responder Report – Doug Shoenfuss.

8.        Approve Cigarette and Liquor License for Safari Bar.

9.        Discussion and possible Board action on removal of propane tanks and replacement.

10.      Discussion and possible Board action Eau Pleine Park Road.

11.      Approve payment of bills and wages.

12.        Public comments.

13.        Set time and date for next Town Board Meeting – Tentative:  July 12, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.

14.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk






May 10, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Marcia Kohnert, Jennifer Pickett, Dale Wisnewski, and Sandi Cihlar.

Motion by Wayne King, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2016 regular Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for May.  Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve the Treasurer’s report and pay bills and wages.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported that there were two building permits issued; Troy Bemke – new house and attached garage and a large shed.  Two Town Board members will attend the CPZ meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2016 regarding the implementation of the proposed address changes.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to enter the Life and Service Memorial for Neil Baur in the minutes record and to forward a copy to his family members.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to authorize the Clerk to issue beer permits and operators’ licenses to the Halder Community Club for the upcoming 2016 events.

Chairman Dahlke reported on the Edgar and Marathon Tanker Association meetings.  The section fee for Edgar will remain the same, and the Marathon Tanker Association set a $40 per section fee for the next year.  The condition of the tankers is good and only a few minor updates will be needed.  The proposed building by Chuck Franke will need to be code compliant with the minimum square footage.  This will be communicated to Mr. Franke.  His septic plans will have to be in compliance with Marathon County.  Karl Kurtzweil gave the Board a schedule for graveling and dust control.  These projects will be completed within the next week to ten days.  Karl mentioned that Heartland Cooperative will be removing the propane tanks, and a Board decision will be made in June regarding replacement.  Jennifer Pickett, 3191 Freman Valley Road, thanked the Board for fixing and graveling Freman Valley Road.  Marcia Kohnert informed the Board that due to family concerns, she will no longer be able to serve as coordinator for Town Hall Rentals.

Dale Wisnewski, Marathon County Sheriff’s Department, and Sandi Cihlar, Marathon County Supervisor, representing the Town of Emmet, were at the meeting to explain the reasons for the proposed county-wide address change.  Wisnewski presented a very detailed and thorough background and outline for reasons and public safety concerns for the proposed change.  He answered numerous questions from all those present.  He stated that this will not be the silver bullet to solve all problems, but it will be a positive step.  Dale explained the proposed changes in the County land record system and the importance of the new addresses to be in place to coincide with the land record changes.  Supervisor Cihlar stated that the CPZ and the County Board have put many hours of work in studying this issue and realize that there will be some inconveniences and disruptions.  Chairman Dahlke thanked Dale and Sandi for attending the meeting.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to set the date for the next regular Town Board meeting on June 14, 2016 @ 7:30 p.m. in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:35 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk





Telephone                                                                                           400 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                   Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455







Regular Town Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 10, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.

Meeting will be held in the Halder Community Hall

3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI 54455






1.        Call Meeting to order.

2.        Approve Minutes of April 12, 2016 Town Board Meeting.

3.        Approve Treasurer’s report.

4.        Clerk’s Communications and reports.

5.        Chairman & Supervisor reports.

a.    Highway, graveling & dust control updates.

b.    Report on tanker meetings.

6.        Life and service memorial for Neil Baur.

7.        Board action on proposed building by Chuck Franke.

8.        Report from Karl Kurtzweil from Heartland Cooperative regarding propane tanks and possible Board action.

9.        Authorize Clerk to issue beer permits and operators’ licenses to Halder Community Club for summer events.

10.      Board discussion on bid received from Marathon County Highway Department for Eau Pleine Park Road and possible action.

11.        Public comments.

12.        Set time and date for next Town Board Meeting – Tentative:  June 14, 2016 @ 7:30 P.M.

13.      Adjourn.



                                                                                                   Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk



Marathon County CPZ Advisory Group Meeting, Thursday, May 12, 2016, 7:00-9:00 P.M. at 212 River Drive, Wausau.






Telephone                                                                                           400 County Road S

(715) 693-2847                                                                                   Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455



April 12, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.



The regular monthly Town Board Meeting of the Town of Emmet was called to order on the above date by Chairman, Don Dahlke.  The Meeting was held in the Halder Community Hall.

All Town Board members were present.  Also present were Karl Kurtzweil, Ed, Sedlacek, Sharon Bickford, Duane Ladick, Peggy Koss, and Jim Kafka.

Motion by Wayne King, second by Meldon Maguire to approve the minutes of the March 8 2016 Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Shirley Dahlke presented the financial report for April.  Motion by Maguire, second by King to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.

The Clerk reported that there was one building permit issued in March; Russell Hanke – shed. A total of 405 votes were cast in the spring primary on April 5, 2016, which was 73% of eligible voters.  The Clerk reported that there were 29 new registrations and the voting in the upper level of the Town Hall worked very well.  Elections will continue to be held in the upper level of the Town Hall. 

A preliminary schedule was presented by Karl Kurtzweil for the road graveling schedule in 2016.  Roads to be graveled include Holstein Road from Cedar Hedge to Highway H, Lovers Lane, Valley View Drive, Lara Lane, Mallard Lane, and portions of Maple Leaf and Briarwood Road.  Sometime this summer, Heartland Cooperative will be replacing one of the propane tanks; and at that time, the area where the tanks are sitting will be built up and a layer of gravel applied.  The possibility of fencing in the tanks was mentioned, however, no action was taken on that matter at this time.

Ed Sedlacek and Sharon Bickford presented their plan for starting a small business on Halder Drive.  The consensus of the Board was that there will be no need to have any zoning changes for this project.  Ed mentioned that he would probably have to put in another driveway for pumping his septic tank; however that will be a private concern.

Gravel bids were received from the following:  Ladick Road Materials – screened decomposed granite delivered to the Town @ $5.48, loaded on Town trucks @ $3.75, delivered to Town residents and landowners @ $6.70; fill dirt material delivered to Town @ $5.20, loaded on Town trucks @ $2.40; pitrun granite delivered to Town @ $5.40, loaded on Town trucks @ $3.25; breaker run/chiprock delivered to Town @$7.75, loaded on Town trucks @ $4.75; large riprap delivered to Town @ $12.65; and sand delivered to Town @ $8.30.

Red Rock Granite – decomposed granite delivered to Town @ $5.48, picked up @ $4.00; fill material delivered to Town $4.98, picked up @ $4.00; breaker rock overrun @ $7.98 delivered, $6.95 picked up; pitrun breaker rock $6.98 delivered, $5.95 picked up.

Spindler Landscape – granite delivered to Town roads from Ridgeview @ $6.33, granite delivered to Town from Red Rock @ $6.53.

Ridge View Granite – All the following prices loaded in trucks:  regular screen granite @ $4.00; breaker run w/Fines @ $5.45; breaker run clean @ $7.45; pit run @ $3.65; fill dirt @ $2.75; topsoil @ $8.50.

Also received were bids for dust control from Kafka Dustbuster Plus – 38% calcium chloride @ $.99/gallon and magnesium chloride – 30% solution @ $.975/gallon.

Motion by Dahlke, second by Maguire to accept the bids from Ladick and Red Rock @ $5.48 for decomposed granite.  Motion carried.  The material will be purchased from whichever supplier has the availability of trucking on each particular graveling project.  Motion by King, second by Maguire to accept the bid from Kafka Dustbuster for the 38% solution calcium chloride @ $.99/gallon.  Motion carried.

Jim Kafka of JRK Properties, Incorporated, outlined his plans to the Board to rezone a portion of his property in Section 13 to heavy industrial.  The plan commission hearing will be scheduled later this year.

The Board discussed the proposal of Mr. Franke to put a trailer for a hunting cabin on his property.  Town zoning prohibits trailers (mobile homes) for residential use.  Any structure Mr. Franke builds will have to comply with the Town’s zoning code for square footage (960 square feet) for residential use.  Any septic system will have to comply with Marathon County zoning regulations.

A letter from the Marathon County CPZ Department requesting a member of the Town Board to be on an advisory committee for the implementation of the proposed address change was received and discussed.  This matter was tabled until the May meeting.  The Board will consult with other local Town Officials to their views on serving on this committee.

Final plans for the meal and refreshments for the annual meeting on April 19, 2016, were made.

Motion by King, second by Maguire to approve payment of bills and wages as presented and also authorization to pay Stratford Builders the balance due upon receipt of their bill.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to set the date for the next regular Town Board meeting on May 10, 2016 @ 7:30 p.m. in the Halder Community Hall.  Motion carried.

Motion by Maguire, second by King to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Time:  9:48 P.M.



                                                                                                            Gerald W. Fitzgerald, Clerk




Notice of the Board of Review

For the

Town of Emmet, Marathon County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Town of Emmet of Marathon County, Wisconsin, will meet on May 9, 2016 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Halder Community Hall, 3365 Halder Drive, Mosinee, WI.  The 2016 assessment roll will be open for open book public inspection from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., at the same location.  Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board.

No person will be allowed to appear before the Board of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board.

The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board’s Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board shall waive the requirement during the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive the requirement up to the end of the fifth day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first two hours of the first scheduled meeting.

Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Review within the first two hours of the Board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to the end of the fifith day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than five days.  The Board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question.  Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land.  No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property.  The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.

When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the peron’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.  The Town of Emmet has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.  The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s.19.35(1), Wis. Stats.

The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability.  No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.

No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of an assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a), Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.


Town of Emmet Clerk, Gerald W. Fitzgerald






School Levy

School Rates

Net Rate






























2015 General Statement of Taxes Payable 2016



State Tax


County Tax


School District Taxes


Northcentral Technical College


Town of Emmet Levy


Total Real Estate & Personal Property  Taxes


Underrun in Tax roll




School Credit Applied


Lottery Credit Applied


First Dollar Credit Applied


Balance R.E. & P.P. Taxes to Collect


MFL Taxes to Collect


Aggregate 2015 Taxes to Collect






2015 Town Expenditures


Town Board


Clerical & Elections


Treasurer, Assessor


Fire Dept., Ambulance, 2% Fire Dues




Hall & Grounds, Recreation


School, County & State, Escrow Payments, Dog Tax


Highway Labor, Supplies & Insurance


Capital Outlay


Miscellaneous Expense


Total Expenditures to 12-31-2015





2015 Town Receipts


Town Levy, MFL Taxes


Shared Revenue & Transportation Aids


Highway Materials & Fuel Tax Refund


Recycling Grant


Interest Income


Fire Dept. Charges, Ambulance Fees, 2% Fire Dues


Hall Rent & Licenses


ATC Payment


Property Taxes, MFL Taxes, Escrow Payment, Dog Tax


Building Permits




Total Town Receipts to 12-31-2015


Balance from 12-31-2014


Total 2015 Receipts & 2014 Balance


Total Expenditures to 12-31-2015


Checking Account Balance 12-31-2015








Donald Dahlke



Wayne King



Meldon Maguire



Gerald W. Fitzgerald

Clerk – Building Permits


Shirley Dahlke



James L. Kurtzweil



Kevin Breit

UDC Building Inspector
